Construction Industry Pros Offer Advanced Online Training at Less Than $10 per Hour

Info Plus Accounting, Inc. Sponsors the Construction Industry Success Summit (Online Training for Contractors)

Year in and year out, thousands of building and trade contractors across the country face the same business challenges. For example, how to: price their services appropriately to earn the income and profits they deserve, hire and manage qualified employees, keep up with their marketing activities, juggle numerous clients and projects, all while battling low-priced competitors.  

But the business of contracting doesn’t have to be all headaches and sleepless nights.  For smart contractors, in fact, running their business can be a pleasure – provided they follow certain best-practice principles. And training on these principles is now available to them at an astoundingly reasonable price.

"We've assembled a group of industry experts to help contractors tackle the vicious cycle that seems to keep them from succeeding."

Diane Gilson, President, Info Plus Accounting, Inc.

“It’s the same every year,” says Diane Gilson, owner of Info Plus Accounting, Inc. a company dedicated to helping contractors understand, and get control over, the critical numbers in their business. “Trade contractors start out the year with well-laid plans but, then, during the warmer months, they get so busy between proposals, new clients and ongoing jobs that everything else in their business comes to a grinding halt.  They work so hard - but don’t find out until the following year that they didn’t make any money."

“We’ve assembled a group of industry experts to help contractors tackle the vicious cycle that seems to keep them from succeeding:

1. They underprice their services due to competitive pressure;

2. They recognize at some point that they need to raise their prices so that they can hire skilled employees and still make money themselves;

3. But they are unable to charge more for their services because their messaging, positioning, branding, marketing, and sales processes don’t demonstrate to prospects the value they offer, so they reduce their prices just to sign new clients."

“Each expert on our panel has created an online course – providing a total of more than 20 hours of professional instruction – for contractors to get help on virtually every aspect of running their business.  The collection is called the Construction Industry Success Summit and, until May 31st, the All Access Pass is only $197 – which means members are getting professional instruction, available online 24/7, for less than $10 per hour.  It’s an incredible value,” said Gilson.

For more information and an informative interview, call Diane Gilson at 734-544-7620.                               

Source: Info Plus Accounting Inc & Construction Industry Success Summit

About Info Plus Accounting, Inc.

Expert Job-Cost, QuickBooks, and Business Management Training & Reporting for Construction Companies

Info Plus Accounting, Inc.
2370 E Stadium Blvd , ##1020
Ann Arbor, MI