Conservative PAC Maggie's List Endorses 20 Congresswomen For Re-Election

Conservative PAC Maggie's List Endorses 20 Congresswomen for Re-Election Goal in Boosting Women's Representation in Congress Begins with 2012 Endorsements

Conservative PAC Maggie's List Endorses 20 Congresswomen for Re-Election
Goal in Boosting Women's Representation in Congress Begins with 2012 Endorsements

(Washington, DC) - Maggie's List, a federal political action committee dedicated to electing conservative women to federal office, is proud to announce the endorsement of 20 proven conservative leaders who are currently serving in the United States House of Representatives and running for re-election in 2012. Women comprise 54% of the women who voted in the 2008 presidential election yet they only hold 16.4% of the seats in the House and 17 seats in the Senate. Maggie's List works to reverse this reality by empowering women to run for federal office.

"Elected conservative women have a proven track record of supporting limited government spending, encouraging more personal responsibility, maintaining strong national security and reducing regulatory burdens," states Sandra Mortham, Chairman of Maggie's List and former Florida Secretary of State. "Having these Congresswomen continue to serve in the 113th Congress is an essential part of empowering women to overcome the divide and conquer techniques on the liberal left."

This exclusive endorsement by Maggie's List marks a milestone for conservative women who courageously address the need for increased representation of women at the federal level while also honoring commonsense conservative principles. The 2012 endorsed candidates, and the 2012 districts in which they have filed for re-election, include the following:

1. Representative Sandy Adams / Florida Congressional District 7
2. Representative Michele Bachman / Minnesota Congressional District 6
3. Representative Judy Biggert / Illinois Congressional District 11
4. Representative Diane Black / Tennessee Congressional District 6
5. Representative Mary Bono Mack / California Congressional District 36
6. Representative Ann Marie Buerkle / New York Congressional District 24
7. Representative Rene Ellmers / North Carolina Congressional District
8. Representative Jo Ann Emerson / Missouri Congressional District 8
9. Representative Virginia Foxx / North Carolina Congressional District 5
10. Representative Kay Granger / Texas Congressional District 12
11. Representative Vicky Hartzler / Missouri Congressional District 4
12. Representative Nan Hayworth / New York Congressional District 18
13. Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler / Washington Congressional District 3
14. Representative Lynn Jenkins / Kansas Congressional District 2
15. Representative Cynthia Lummis / Wyoming At-Large Congressional District
16. Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers / Washington District 5
17. Representative Shelley Moore Capito / West Virginia Congressional District 2
18. Representative Kristi Noem / South Dakota At-Large Congressional District
19. Representative Martha Roby / Alabama Congressional District 2
20. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen / Florida Congressional District 27

Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida's current 18th Congressional District and Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs welcomes the Maggie's List endorsement explaining, "Americans are looking for elected leaders who will reduce our budget deficit, cut our exploding debt and change the mindset in Washington so that our government learns to live within its means. Maggie's List is at the forefront of electing women leader who will accomplish this and that is why I am truly honored by this endorsement. Electing fiscal conservatives is more important than ever. I appreciate the work of Maggie's List in helping us meet that goal."

Congresswoman Virginia Foxx of North Carolina's 5th District who chairs the House Subcommittee on Higher Education states, "Maggie's List is fulfilling an important function for our country in their support for fiscally conservative women. All women should be concerned with the economy and the impact it is having in our country. I am honored by the endorsement of Maggie's List and encourage people to lend their support to its efforts."

Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins of Kansas' 2nd District and the senior member of the Kansas House delegation describes today's endorsement. "I am honored to receive the endorsement from Maggie's List. Across the country, Maggie's List is supporting women who have accepted the call to serve our nation. The support from Maggie's List for fiscally conservative women who value smaller government, personal responsibility and strong national defense continues to be critical in our efforts to solve our nation's mounting problems."

About Maggie's List
Maggie's List is a Federal Political Action Committee created to raise awareness and funds to increase the number of conservative women elected to federal public office. Maggie's List was founded in 2010 by a group of women with a fiscally conservative economic vision and a desire to address the underrepresentation of women in Congress. Recent endorsements include Linda Lingle, candidate for the Hawaii U.S. Senate, Linda McMahon, candidate for the Connecticut U.S. Senate, and Deb Fischer, candidate for the Nebraska U.S. Senate. For more information please visit

Press Contact:
Missy Shorey
Maggie's List
(202) 277-7100

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