Congressman Ron Paul Explains to Host Jay Taylor How America Can Get Back on Track on Voice America's "Turning Hard Times into Good Times".

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, M.D., and former GOP Presidential Candidate, will join Jay Taylor on a continuing series, "Turning Hard Times into Good Times", streamed live Tuesday, May11th, 2009, from 12-2pm (PT)/3-5pm (ET) on VoiceAmerica Business

Dr. Paul, who introduces legislation every term to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and who, without a doubt, is the most pro-free market lawmaker in Washington, will provide evidence that Alan Greenspan knowingly destroyed the U.S. economy based on a conversation he had with the former Federal Reserve Chairman in 2001. He will also explain why policies currently being enacted will ultimately not only lead to lower living standards for average Americans, but also threaten to cost them a level of freedom, justice, and liberty that was written into the constitution. Ron will also talk about the bill he introduced into Congress to audit the Fed and whether or not that is really bringing about any meaningful transparency with respect to the destructive acts of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Congressman Paul always asks one overriding question before he thinks about voting for a bill: whether or not a bill is authorized by the Constitution. If it is not, he votes "no," no matter how popular the bill might be. Despite frequently voting against the perceived interests of his district, Ron has been constantly re-elected. He simply explains to the voters his reasons for his vote. Out of respect for his unparalleled integrity, voters keep returning him to Congress. In fact, a recent Rasmussen pole had Congressman Paul running virtually even with President Obama (Obama 43%/Ron Paul 42%) by the American people when they were asked who they would most like to see as President for the next term.

RON PAUL an eleven-term congressman from Texas, is the leading advocate of freedom in our nation's capital. He has devoted his political career to the defence of individual liberty, sound money, and a noninterventionist foreign policy Judge Andrew Napolitano calls him "The Thomas Jefferson of our day." After serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force in the 1950s, Dr. Paul moved to Texas to begin a civilian medical practice, delivering over four thousand babies in his career as an obstetrician. He served in Congress from 1976 to 1984, and again from 1996 to the present. He and Carol Paul, his wife of fifty-one years, have five children.

Ron Paul, the New York Post once wrote, is a politician who "cannot be bought by special interests." And one of his Colleagues in Congress said of Ron, "There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few."

Broadcasting live every Tuesday at 12 pm Pacific (9:00 pm Eastern), "Turning Hard Times into Good Times, will look at the world from an Austrian economic perspective rather than through status Keynesian and monetarist theory. The show is designed to help investors protect their own wealth and to help elect government representatives who are not bought and paid for by the same ruling elite that owns the Federal Reserve Bank. Tune into VoiceAmerica Business to hear Jay Taylor's discussion with important and enlightening interviews.

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About Jay Taylor

Jay Taylor has been host of Turning Hard Times into Good Times since March 24, 2009. Turning Hard Times into Good Times is now the #1 ranking show on the Voice America Business Channel. Jay is Editor of J Taylor's Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks, a weekly and monthly newsletter. Jay's goal is to help average Americans protect their wealth from the most devastating economic decline since the 1930s. Indeed, Jay's hypothetical model portfolio has nearly doubled in value since 2000 while the S&P 500 has lost nearly half its value. Jay worked as a credit analyst and lender with several major multi-national banks in New York City until 1997 when he resigned from the mining and metals department ING Barings to devote full time to his newsletter, that dates back to 1981. Applying free market Austrian economics, Jay has been able to see this decline coming well ahead of the herd. He is now sharing his insights not only with his paid subscribers but with his Voice America audience as well.

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