Conference on MSME Finance: Issues, Challenges and Alternative Modes of Finance

As a driving force for innovation, employment and economic development, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play a very important role in a country's economy.

As a driving force for innovation, employment and economic development, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play a very important role in a country's economy. However, MSMEs' access to finance is rather limited. Financing has been a problem that troubles MSMEs for a long time, which restrains their growth and development. MSMEs need finance to start new ventures or expand the existing business or to survive and cope with the rapidly changing world economic order.

It is a common challenge for all the governments, policy makers and financial institutions to address the issues of how to provide sufficient financial support and expand access to finance and promote sustainable development of MSMEs. As the gap in access and use of financial services & products by MSMEs still remains a challenge, there is an urgent need to review the various existing parameters, efficacy of existing institutional arrangements & systems from different perspectives.

In this context, WASME is organizing a conference on MSME Finance: Issues, Challenges and Alternative Mode of Finance. The seminar would discuss various issues confronting MSMEs regarding funding and financing. WASME invites research papers, presentations on the topics on various issues related to financing and funding of MSMEs. Authors are invited to submit the soft copy of their original research paper/case studies. WASME also invites current research work, case studies, and presentations from different aspects of MSME financing.

Last Date of Abstracts: 26
Abstract Approval: 30 December 2011
Full Paper Submission 7 January 2012

In this context, WASME is organizing a conference on MSME Finance: Issues, Challenges and Alternative Modes of Finance on 14 January 2012 at WASME Conference Room, # 4, Film City, Noida, Sector 16/A. I invite you for this seminar and contribute by presenting paper, participating in a panel discussion and general discussions. Kindly confirm your participation by sending the registration form enclosed by fax or via email.

Please contact for further details:, at 09953871432

About World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises
