Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes Featured On Fox43 News

Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes was recently featured on Fox43 News' Made in PA segment that highlights Pennsylvania manufacturers.

Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes was recently featured on Fox43 News' Made in PA segment that highlights Pennsylvania manufacturers. Located in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes is taking woodworking to a whole new level, as they continue to manufacturer log cabin kits and log home kits that ship around the world.

For the people at Conestoga Log Cabins and Log Homes, the process is a simple one - turn lumber into luxury. National Sales Manager John Brown says it best, "We can build anything from an outhouse to a getaway log cabin to a custom log home."

Starting with simple log cabin kits and extending to custom log cabin homes, Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes has been churning out log buildings since 1983. In addition to log cabins they also manufacture bunk houses, bathhouses, rental cabins, and commercial log structures. Their product is state of the art, but they are quick to explain how the process begins well before the wood.

First and foremost, "Our Drafting Department takes the cabin concept, builds it in 3-dimensions in our very sophisticated software program" Brown said.

Conestoga uses a computer program that designs the home virtually. While this technology isn't new to the building world, the next steps are what set them apart.

Once these "virtual plans" are created and approved, they are sent to a 190-foot custom computerized manufacturing line. This equipment, built specifically for Conestoga, has seven different stations that cut, notch and drill each log to exacting specifications. "It`s a very exact process. Each log will be produced to a tolerance of +/- 1/16 of an inch. In the log world, that is very close tolerance," Brown said.

This precision creates tight, precise log home kit components used to build log cabins or log homes. Each log cabin can be produced in hours what would take months to achieve in the field, which saves the customer time, money and a lot of headaches. In addition to speed, Conestoga guarantees the craftsmanship that their products have become synonymous with.

Our customers tell us that "some of the best experiences they have had in their lifetime is at the log cabin," said Brown.
It takes almost 2/3 of a mile of logs to build the Mountain King, Conestoga Log Cabins and Log Homes most popular building - eleven hundred square feet of beauty that takes people's dreams and turns them into reality.

It's always good to see the end product, yet just as important for John Brown, the memories that will be made as clients enjoy their work for a lifetime.

"We are very proud of what we do and the fact that we can do it quickly and efficiently and give you what you want and you don't have to spend a ton of money to get this fantastic custom log home," he said.


Conestoga Log Cabins & Homes specializes in log cabins and log home kits around 2,000 square feet and under. They have sold over 3,000 log cabin homes. For over 25 years, Conestoga Log Cabins has been an industry leader - visit to learn more.

About Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes

Conestoga Log Cabins and Homes
249 N. Lincoln Ave
