Comprehensive Attorneys for Consumers' Site Launches

Attorneys For Consumers is proud to announce the launch of its new website, Consisting of a nationwide network of debt settlement attorneys. is committed to providing top-notch debt negotiation services to consumers who suffer under crippling debt. Up-to-date and clear debt settlement information will be provided on the website for the consumer's benefit, a well as what to expect and how to prepare for debt negotiation.

Working through a referral system, provides those consumers who need debt settlement and debt negotiation services with the names and contact information of trusted debt settlement and debt negotiation attorneys in their area. The information on covers all aspects of both debt settlement and debt negotiation processes, including debt settlement laws, debt negotiation strategies and inherent consequences of debt settlement and debt negotiation. In addition, will inform consumers what to expect when retaining the services of a debt settlement or debt negotiation attorney, as well as the latest news and legal developments pertaining to debt settlement and debt negotiation. By bringing together a group of experienced debt settlement and debt negotiation attorneys to offer a complete set of debt settlement and debt negotiation services, the website offers consumers a comprehensive resource for all their debt settlement and debt negotiation needs.

The launch of comes at a time when many Americans are struggling financially. The current economic situation and the poor state of affairs on the job market combined with the constant increase in interest rates and late fees have propelled formerly financially stable consumers into a precarious financial situation. With the average household in the United States having between $5,700 and $10,00 in debt, it is imperative that consumers have easy access to information about debt settlement and debt negotiation, as well as a reliable source of referral to attorneys who offer debt settlement and debt negotiation services throughout the entire country. All attorneys at have a proven track record in substantially reducing consumer debt by means of effective debt negotiation on behalf of their clients, often helping their clients avoid more drastic measures of debt relief.

In addition, the debt negotiation and debt settlement attorneys at can act on their clients' behalf to stop them becoming victims of creditor harassment. By offering their debt negotiation and debt settlement services through, they are looking forward to helping restore financial stability and security to American families.