Common Sense Media Chooses as Top Health and Fitness Website For Kids & Top Website for Special Needs Children Receives High Rating for Learning Potential from Common Sense Media

[][/url] where it's ok to play with your food, has been given a top rating for learning for kids healthy and fitness and for special needs kids by Common Sense Media (CSM), the national nonprofit dedicated to helping parents and teachers manage the media and technology in kids' lives. The high rating is part of Common Sense Media's new learning ratings initiative and means is both a fun and engaging website with the potential to help equip kids and teens with the core skills they need to thrive in tomorrow's world. The 5-star rating and full review for [] kids health and fitness [/url] and for []special needs children who need help with balancing their foods[/url.

Common Sense Media shares's believe that staying healthy and fit is the foundation for a happy, long life for any child. That's why the CSM leadership team chose ZisBoomBah as the only website in the Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness category to "help kids get started early as they get inspired to move their body in new ways and celebrate a rainbow of vegetables." The other two picks are both XBox 360 Kinect games. is a start-up that CSM has rated higher than Disney, PBS, Kids Health, Playnormous and Nourish Interactive.

ZisBoomBah is also chosen for kids who are challenged by organization and routines. Common Sense Media picked ZisBoomBah as a website to help kids to understand and predict what will happen next, get ready for it and remember the steps. "Creating healthy, balanced eating habits can be hard for kids who have trouble with change. Now they can get feedback on eating the right mix of foods to make balanced meals." The other picks included Leapfrog.

"At, we strive to create games that kids will love, and parents can feel good about," said Karen Laszlo, founder. "We're honored to receive this high rating from Common Sense Media, and we will continue to work to produce the highest quality website for kids, parents, teachers and groups that we can. We are currently working with the Girl Scouts of Colorado and the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta to help their girls learn about healthy living both online and offline! The girls can also earn badges and fun patches by using the quests designed specifically for them."

"Our learning ratings are the most comprehensive tool parents have to surface the digital media products that are truly educational from those that simply claim to be," said Seeta Pai, architect of the Common Sense Media learning ratings initiative. "We congratulate for receiving a high learning rating, and for creating a terrific website that helps kids learn about healthy living and have fun, too."

About ZisBoomBah is the award winning online game where kids are the hero of healthy living and where parents get credible tools and information to raise a healthy family. The online adventure, featuring quests, weaves real life activities into the fun elements of gaming to make healthy choices a part of a kids' daily routine. The quests are designed by's team of nutritionists, fitness experts, teachers and game writers with the purpose of stimulating kids to make better choices. Parents motivated to make a change will find everything they need at with credible tools, games, information and adventures! is the Award Wining #1 Online Nutritional Tool for Kids by Let's Move & USDA | 5-Star Rating by Common Source Media | As seen on WebMD & Rachel Ray's Yum-o!!/ZisBoomBah

About Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. We exist because our kids are growing up in a culture that profoundly impacts their physical, social, and emotional well-being. We provide families with the advice and media reviews they need in order to make the best choices for their children. Through our education programs and policy efforts, Common Sense Media empowers parents, educators and young people to become knowledgeable and responsible digital citizens. For more information, go to:

Press Contacts:
Karen Laszlo

Marisa Connolly
Common Sense Media

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