Colic Relief At Last!

Statistics demonstrate that 6 out of 10 children born suffer from some form of colic in their first few months. There are many methods of colic relief that aim to ease the pain and calm the symptoms of colic.

Are you defeated and desperate to stop your baby's tears? If only you could help your baby handle with the discomfort. There are a large number of parents who are in a similar situation, so do not worry. Statistics demonstrate that 6 out of 10 children born suffer from some form of colic in their first few months.

There are many methods of colic relief that aim to ease the pain and calm the symptoms of colic. Unfortunately, these techniques do not handle the cause of colic, they only act to soothe the symptoms. In fact, some of the therapies can have unwanted side effects.

Other methods such as using gripe water and herbal medicines also exist. These fluids have certain properties that claim to decrease discomfort in the babies abdomen but there is no proof that these methods work and in some cases there may even be a negative reaction, for example, a colicky baby suffering from reflux will not take well to fluids containing peppermint or ginger as this may aggravate their pain by causing a burning sensation in the digestive tract.

In the instance of peppermint tea, this can cause irritation when ingested by a baby suffering from reflux who has a very sensitive digestive tract due to acid erosion.

To truly treat colic, we need to identify the cause. The symptoms of colic all show an imbalance in the nervous system. You can see why there are no medications that truly work for colic relief. There are no medicines that can re balance the nervous system of your baby. Why is your newborn's nervous system out of balance? An imbalance is most commonly caused by the stress of birth.

Stress during birth is accepted as the major contributer to cranky, fussy and uneasy babies which can also manifest as colic and is exceedingly hard to cure using any common remedy. None of the treatments such as gripe water or baby massage handle the instability in your newborn's nervous system.

About Natural Colic Relief
