Code Of Ethics For Tourism

The Other Home organized a 1 day workshop on Global Code of Ethics for Tourism on July 15th at Hotel Sheraton New Delhi.

The Other Home organized a 1 day workshop on Global Code of Ethics for Tourism on July 15th at Hotel Sheraton New Delhi. Tourism Code of Ethics is a set of rules for the continuous and proper functioning of the tourism activities all over the world. The members of World Tourism Organization which include members from States, territories, institutions and government officials have framed these codes.

A panel discussion was held on the 1st Article of the Tourism Code of Ethics relating to Tourisms' contribution to mutual understanding and respect between people and societies. The panelists were of the view that this must be the fundamental purpose for tourism. When a person travels to a country, state or a place with different culture than his owns, he learns to understand and respect the tradition and tries to imbibe it. This practice promotes harmony and mutual respect between different communities. Some of the important examples cited were in the context of continued emphasis on People to people exchanges in International Cooperation such as the Samjhauta Express between India and Pakistan.

Talking on responsible tourists it was said that it becomes the prime duty of the tourist to abide by the rules of the host place and not indulge in any unethical activity. The host citizens, in return, hold the responsibility of providing hospitality and right guidance to the visitor. Pointing to the lacunas in the system citing examples of tourist's harassment and molestation cases etc., more tourist protection and empathetic attitude of the authorities was suggested. The increasing visibility of 'Tourism Police', systemic changes in domains such as public transport such as introduction of GPS tracking of autos, introduction of radio taxis and Pre paid cab scheme etc were hailed as examples of the right step forward.

Furthermore it was emphasized that for up to 30% of the developing countries tourism can be a significant contributor for development of the vulnerable communities as difficult to reach, isolated population pockets are also at times high potential ones from tourism point of view and in that sense tourism could be the great leveler in alleviating economic difficulties, fostering understanding and cooperation and blowing winds of change for these isolated communities.

The workshop concluded on the note that the article in its proper spirit requires a comprehensive systematic approach that visualizes Tourism as a social value generative activity that binds communities and showcases their collective heritage, environment and life practices, by building a window to the world and providing them a significant economic opportunity. This also builds in the tourists an understanding of the environmental, as well as sociological and economic issues facing societies in other places and thus unleashes cohesive forces that can create mutual understanding and harmony.

About The Other Home: The Other Home is an India focused Vacation rentals and Home stays consolidator.

It has varied destinations with pan-India coverage comprising over 400 properties all over India, property options varying from vacation villas, service apartments, farm houses, bed & breakfast establishments, and rural stays.

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