Coalition Urges Strong Opposition to Washington Takeover of State Gaming Rules

Demands Defeat of Crony "RAWA" Bill

The Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CF&P), joined by representatives from 11 other influential free market organizations, today sent a letter to Congress opposing the Restoration of America's Wire Act (RAWA), legislation that would override state laws pertaining to internet gaming and the sale of lottery tickets. Directed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Robert Goodlatte, the letter urges respect for the 10th Amendment right of states to set their own gaming rules.​

Link to the letter:

The Coalition notes the "enormous pressure" being placed on Congress by some brick and mortar casino owners and others with vested interests that would profit from the legislation, but warns in the letter:

"RAWA is an outright assault on federalism. The legislation tramples on the Tenth Amendment by banning state regulation of online gambling – further chipping away at the balance between state and federal governance. The bill would overturn state laws already on the books in three states and would prohibit states from selling lottery tickets online for their own constituents – rolling back at least another six state laws."

CF&P President Andrew Quinlan said, “There is a great variety of gaming rules among the states, reflecting the different preferences of their respective populations.” He concluded, “Washington should respect their wishes and not dictate to the states how best to handle their internal affairs.”

David Williams, Taxpayers Protection Alliance President, said, “The Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) continues to oppose any federal ban of online gaming under RAWA. TPA is also proud to be a part of this coalition that has fought against a federal ban of online gaming and preserving a free-market approach. The federal government should not be dictating how states decide this issue nor should they be using this as a backdoor route for Internet regulations.”

Seton Motley, President of Less Government, said, “If the Constitution doesn't expressly enumerate a federal government power – the Ninth and Tenth Amendments dictate the federal government doesn't have that power. There is no such expressly enumerated power over gambling – so the Feds don't have the juice for RAWA.”

Norm Singleton, Senior VP of Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty, said, “If Congress passes RAWA it will be a slap in the face to those who thought the new Republican-led Congress would respect the constitution's limitations on federal power, oppose any new federal infringements on individual liberty, and oppose crony capitalism.”

Thomas Schatz, President, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, said, “H.R. 707, the Restoration of America's Wire Act (RAWA) does not restore anything, since the Wire Act has functioned properly since its enactment in 1961. Instead, RAWA expands the Wire Act's coverage to include all forms of gambling or betting, including Internet gambling. H.R. 707 is contrary to the intent of the Tenth Amendment since it impinges on states' rights by banning a state's ability to regulate online gambling within its borders and potentially forcing some states to abandon existing gambling laws.”

The coalition letter was signed by:

Andrew F. Quinlan ~ President, Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Michelle Minton ~ Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute
​Thomas Schatz ~ President, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Dan Schneider ~ Executive Director, The American Conservative Union
David Williams ~ President, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Seton Motley ~ President, Less Government
Andrew Moylan ~ Executive Director, R Street Institute
Carrie Lukas ~ Managing Director, Independent Women's Forum
Norm Singleton ~ Senior Vice President, Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty
Heather R. Higgins ~ President, Independent Women's Voice
Bob Bauman ~ Chairman, Sovereign Society Freedom Alliance
Jeffrey Mazzella ~ President, Center for Individual Freedom

About Center for Freedom & Prosperity

The Center for Freedom and Prosperity (CF&P) is a non-profit organization created to advance market liberalization, and to preserve jurisdictional tax competition, fiscal sovereignty, and financial privacy.

Center for Freedom & Prosperity
P.O. Box 10882
Alexandria, Virginia