Classic Car Shows: Preservation of the Past in the Present

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. These famous lines penned by Keats are applicable to the beautiful vintage creations of gleaming chrome, brass fittings and polished metal that are classic cars.

There is a small group of people in this world. A rarefied clique, a closed circle. A group of people who have made the collection and preservation of vintage and classic cars their grand passion. They are the select few who are able to provide a showcase of these beauties from a bygone era at classic car shows for the present day audience to appreciate and understand.

In a way these automobiles represent the drive and inventiveness of the human mind that refused to be cowed by historical upheavals or financial constraints. Style, speed, convenience, these were the buzzwords for a plethora of inventors and car companies that tried their best to combine elegance with convenience on roads around the world. These classic car shows are a salute to the spirit of these individuals and their inventions which are the precursors of the classic car models and the raison d'etre of classic car shows.

Websites like are a boon to those individuals who want to be in the loop as far as car shows, classic car model information, videos, pictures, user information all of this is concerned. There are several classic car shows that are a must-do on the annual calendars of the classic car show aficionado... The Silverstone Classic, the Annual Boca Raton Concours d'Elegance, the Goodwood Revival the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance ...the list goes on and the calendar is always choc a bloc. Sites like these keep the enthusiasts posted about makes, conditions, prices and availability of the classic car models.

The classic car enthusiast is a niche segment that is being catered to but the website that is comprehensive, informative and user friendly as well as being accessible to all. Even the casual browser will definitely pause....and admire.