Citizens of 71 Countries Call for Passage of International Peace Law

SEOUL, South Korea, March 15, 2018 ( - Representatives of religion, government and civic groups expressed their solidarity for the passage of an international peace law at the “2nd Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).
HWPL is an international peace nonprofit organization registered with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The DPCW is HWPL’s proposal for international law for sustainable peacekeeping, comprised of 10 articles and 38 clauses. It was drafted by international law experts on March 14, 2016, and includes provisions to avoid war-related actions, establish ethnic and religious harmony, and a culture of peace. This year marks the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW’s public proclamation.
“Rather than waiting to take peace for granted, it is we who should put an end to war to protect humanity and our globe, and leave peace as a legacy for future generations,” said Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of HWPL. “Laws of today cannot compensate for the lives sacrificed from war. What we need is an instrument that protects human life, the very law that prevents war,” said Lee.
Echoing the call for urgent action, Mr. Pravin H. Parekh, President of Confederation of Indian Bar, who participated in drafting the DPCW said, “No human being and no animal on planet Earth can survive from weapons (of mass destruction). Even an error or an accident can cause widespread, irreparable damage to human life and property. We all have to work 365 days and 24 hours together for peace as a messenger of peace.”
During the program, HWPL representatives also issued an official statement denouncing actions against religious freedom, stating that “HWPL will no longer tolerate attempts to obstruct the work for peace, putting personal gain over the common good of humanity. We urge all those yearning for peace and justice to take the right path, not the path marked with lies, and join the effort to build peace together.”
The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the DPCW in Seoul was held in conjunction with 166 cities in 71 countries including Los Angeles and Washington D.C. in the United States, Germany, Ukraine, Britain, and China totaling approximately 150,000 worldwide participants.
Source: Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light