Church of Scientology Celebrates 36 Years in Spain

Scientology anniversary marked with awards ceremony in Spain

Third annual religious freedom award ceremony at the National Church of Scientology of Spain in Madrid

​In honor of the 36th anniversary of the Scientology religion in Spain, the Church hosted its third annual religious freedom award ceremony at the National Church of Scientology of Spain in Madrid.

Presenting the awards were Ivan Arjona Pelado, President of the Church of Scientology of Spain and Isabel Ayuso Puente, director of Fundación para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad (the Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society).

Arjona thanked those who have worked alongside the Church, volunteering in the Church-supported humanitarian programs—the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, United for Human Rights and The Way to Happiness Foundation.  

He then presented the 3rd annual Religious Freedom Awards to:

  •  Mr. Oscar Celador Angón, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid 
  • The Foundation for Pluralism and Coexistence of the Ministry of Justice, represented at the ceremony by Mr. Fernando Arias and Ms. Puerto García
  •  Mr. Ivan Jimenez Aybar, professor of ecclesiastical law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Among those attending the ceremony were government, religious and civic leaders and representatives of the academic community.


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