China's and India's economy will grow by double digits

Huge growth in China and India will increase prices of commodities

Albanian Minerals President Sahit Muja said: "The economy will grow by double digits in China and India and huge consumer growth is predicted for, food, energy, water, oil, natural gas, metals, gold steel, aluminum, cooper and other commodities.China´s second quarter economic growth is 10.6 percent"

Sahit Muja said "The China´s economy will grow 10.1 percent in the third quarter, 10 percent in the fourth quarter and 10.5 percent for the full year.

Second-quarter consumer prices gain 3.04 percent. China's is GDP up 12 percent in the first quarter of 2010 compared with same period last year. China´s growth is largely driven by domestic demand than exports, as strong job creation has led to high consumer demand.
China's export growth remains strong, from January-May, exports increased by 10 percent compared with same period in 2008.

Higher food prices in China led to rise in inflation. Consumer price inflation in China reached 3.1 percent in May on yearly basis.
Average property prices in large cities increased by 12.4 percent in May 2010 compared with same period last year".

"China's vehicle deliveries rise 17 percent this year to 16 million and annual demand for automobiles may eventually exceed 30 million, according to the State Information Center.
Total vehicle sales, which include buses and trucks, increased 14 percent last month to 1.13 million. Sales rose 30.5 percent in the first half of the year to 7.19 million
China´s economic growth is estimated to record 10 - 11% percent annually on an average between 2010-2015"

Sahit Muja said "The Indian economy is poised to grow by double digits in the next two-three years, having successfully weathered the impact of the global downturn.
strengths in the country´s economy which can contribute to rapid growth in the future and they should be harnessed to push up economic growth to double digits".

Sahit Muja said: "Albanian Minerals in New York and Bytyci SHPK in Tropoje Albania expect China, India and other big economies, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States of America to be a key source of economic growth in the world.
The economy will grow worldwide and huge consumer growth is predicted for, food, energy, water, oil, natural gas, metals, steel, aluminum, cooper and other commodities.

Population growth generally represents growth in demand for everything - it means increased need for food, energy, infrastructure, and services. Consumption of more food, energy, metals, water over the next decade will inevitably generate a big stress on , food, oil, natural gas and metal supply. Demand will increase prices worldwide.
Albanian Minerals & Bytyci Shpk