Child Techie Launches Website; Early Childhood Education: Technology for Children

Child Techie is an Internet-Based Educational Technology firm, whose main objective is emphasizing the importance of technology in early childhood education by providing relevant information concerning the industry, as well as reliable suppliers.

Parents and educators are constantly searching for methods to improve the education and increase learning of children. Over the past two decades technology has increasingly become the solution to this elusive task. With early exposure to a variety of electronic devices, from Apple Ipad to the Xbox gaming systems, children are more familiar and comfortable than ever before in the area of exploring the world through technology. Howard Gardner has shown that young children exhibit a diversity of learning styles, and that the optimum way for many children to learn is not the traditional teacher-directed, verbal approach (Gardner,1987). Therefore many educational institutions/platforms have partnered with software and electronic companies to develop technology focused on learning.

Child Techie is an Internet-Based Educational Technology firm, whose main objective is emphasizing the importance of technology in early childhood education by providing relevant information concerning the industry, as well as a reliable network of suppliers in this industry. Child Techie offers; new releases, great discounts, emerging trends, product reviews, and educational resources. All of our efforts are designed to provide our audience with an informed approach towards implementing technology into the learning environment of children.

Whether you are a parent, educator, or just interested in staying abreast with the current trends, Child Techie provides quality resources to achieve integration between education and technology at every level. Daily Promotions, a Free Weekly Newsletter, and Expert Advice/Opinion editorials are just a few highlights of this high-demand website.

Visit Child Techie today and discover the vast source of products and information about Childhood Education: Technology for Children.

About Child Techie

Child Techie

Montgomery, AL
