Cheap Loan Deals Are Not A Cheap Anymore

Credit cards are overwhelming personal loans with its benefits and facilities. Experts also say that low cost credit card is better to opt as compare to cheap loan deals as it is offered at low interest rate.

Cheap credit cards are devastating the presence of personal loans with its benefits and facilities.
The rates have reached sky high as 12.6 % for a £5000 loan. This is the highest since 2000, in spite the base rate being low all the time.

To make things worse for the borrower, lenders personal pricing methods make a loan all the more expensive with hidden costs. This happens especially when they have a poor credit score. The rates are sometimes not the same as advertized.

Specialized experts recommend that a low cost credit card is a better method to avail finance.

Barclaycards simplicity credit card, now charge you only a variable 6.8% which is £360 cheaper. The current monthly repayments on £5000 over the span of 3 years will be £ 155 instead of £165 which make this all the more cheaper than a personal loan.

'Low-rate credit cards are simple. There is no interest-free period, no reward scheme and no other features of the card - just a low interest rate.' This is said by Michelle Slade of the website Money Facts.

The Halifax Easy Rate MasterCard offers you a rate of 6.9% and the Co-op's Platinum Tracker Visa offer us with 7.7% rate which comes extra £2 fee. The interest rate of The Halifax Easy Rate MasterCard is flexible and keeps changing the base rate.

The cheapest rate you can avail on a £5000 personal loan is with Tesco, which is 7.8%. They check your credit score and people with bad credit are charged rate as high as 15.9%.

Even Sainsbury will offer you rates ranging from 7.8% and 18.8%.

Slade has advised us by saying that 'You could get a credit card with 0% for 13 months and then transfer the balance to a low cost card.'

About Payday Loans No Credit Check
