CCHN Launches National Healthcare Network

Coordinated Care Health Network Leverages Nuance PowerShare to Enable Secure Data Exchange and Image Sharing Nationwide
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CCHN, a healthcare network founded by Yeaman and Associates, LLC, and Brian A. Yeaman, M.D. announces the launch of its nationwide secure data exchange network with image sharing, built on the Nuance PowerShare Network.

Dr. Yeaman and his team have more than 12 years’ experience providing interoperability innovation, support operations, and services. Yeaman and Associates has launched, managed, or restored viability at six health information exchanges. In each case, improving connectivity at numerous healthcare organizations across the country. Yeaman and Associates has managed and facilitated clinical data exchange responsible for providing secure and portable records for more than 10 million patients nationwide.

"We are strong advocates for a network of networks and with our national approach, we have the technical infrastructure to provide hub level services for federated calls across HIE's. We look forward to connecting with the best HIE's in the nation."

Brian Yeaman, MD, COO, Yeaman & Associates / Coordinated Care HN

"We've been a part of exchanging data between disparate providers from the beginning of the more modern networks. We've never sat still, we've constantly innovated and pressed the edge and use cases and clinical workflows. We've always kept the patient and provider at the center of our efforts to ensure their experience is enhanced by our services and easy to integrate," said Dr. Brian Yeaman.

CCHN is proud to collaborate with Nuance. Using PowerShare to pioneer radiology image sharing as a core element of network services. Healthcare providers can securely share and access valuable radiology images across acute, specialty, and clinical settings through Nuance PowerShare with CCHN.

"This is a tremendous moment in healthcare and the time is now for value-based contracts that reduce costs and improve patient outcomes,” said Karen Holzberger, General Manager of Diagnostic Solutions, Nuance Communications. “Our customers have to have the images and data on patients as they transition across providers. We recognize that our clients need to control cost and have interoperability services and vendors who deliver. "

CCHN’s proven capabilities with shared data connections, electronic medical record systems, and patient matching accuracy provides high fidelity image sharing results delivered at the point of care.

What’s more? The addition of image sharing as part of secure data exchange enhances the depth of valuable clinical information available through CCHN network services. The combination of available external clinical and image information will further support network clients achieving compliance with appropriate use criteria for ordering advanced imaging studies as required by CMS.

Unique to this approach in image and data sharing is the Nuance PowerShare Network, a hub and spoke system that facilitates greater automation, less manual intervention and a one-to-many connection for members to a national network. Currently more than 4,000 facilities use Nuance PowerShare for cloud-based medical image sharing.

“We are knocking providers socks off with this combination of services and approach to interoperability,” said Dr. Yeaman.

As a service network focused on empowering health care providers to improve care and outcomes via secure, HIPAA compliant, data access and exchange, CCHN claims no third party rights to client data. Instead, like a cellular network, CCHN allows clients to subscribe to modular services in a way that scales to work within the health care organizations’ referral region to better enhance patient care and enhance the patient’s experience.

CCHN’s streamlined and service-driven approach distinguishes it from health information exchanges. Many HIEs struggle with governance and organizational issues that challenge operations, sustainability, and cost-containment. CCHN can address these issues, and CCHN plans to work with successful HIEs to bring services such as medical image sharing with patient matching fidelity. This connectivity will be produced in a collaborative manner.

CCHN is excited to align with and support principles expressed by the industry-leading EMR vendors and organizations that have worked to promote widespread, affordable, or cost free data sharing. CCHN offers low-cost data sharing subscriptions for community hospitals, ambulatory, and post-acute providers. For large hospitals, health systems, and other imaging centers, data sharing and patient matching are free with a CCHN image-sharing subscription.

“We are strong advocates for a network of networks and with our national approach, we have the technical infrastructure to provide hub level services for federated calls across HIE’s. We look forward to connecting with the best HIE’s in the nation,” said Dr. Yeaman.

By offering an image sharing service, the cost of CCHN shall be primarily carried with a hard ROI for subscribers in the network. Members can decrease costs of importing and exporting imagesby subscribing to CCHN’s data sharing platform.

That cost — approximately $14 to produce a disc with images and/or import an image into PACS — is where the cost savings are evident. Elimination of those costs can readily fund a subscription to CCHN for members and generate additional savings for healthcare organizations.

When a member shares images, their data connection and patient matching service is free. This approach is deliberate, and it brings financial relief to healthcare facilities across the nation. This also benefits patients and providers with access to additional value added services.

With more than a decade of experience in exchanging millions of records across thousands of healthcare organizations and providers — innovation is at the core of what CCHN offers. This kind of network is sustainable and scalable with collaborators such as Nuance. CCHN was founded to move America in the right direction as it pertains to interoperability for the benefit of providers and in a cost effective fashion. Most of all, Coordinated Care Health Network is excited to be the first national network service to enable our patients to move their health information and diagnostic images with them as they consent with transition of care between providers and health systems. 

MEDIA CONTACT: Grady Cason, Chief Business Development Officer
email: • ph: 405-708-1014 

Source: Coordinated Care Health Network (CCHN)

About Coordinated Care Health Network (CCHN)

CCHN is a national medical image sharing network and healthcare data exchange.
CONTACT: Grady Cason, Chief Business Development Officer
email: • ph: 405-708-1014

Coordinated Care Health Network (CCHN)
111 N. Peters Ave. , #600
Norman, OK