Carolyn CJ Jones, Workshop Leader at "Unlimited Woman: IMPowering Women to MORE", June 17-18 in Pomona, CA

The Forgiveness Expert and Guide, Carolyn CJ Jones will be one of the Workshop Facilitators at Dr. Anita M. Jackson's National Conference, The Unlimited Woman: IMPowering Women to MORE in Life, Business & Wealth that will be held June 17-18 at the Kellogg West Conference Center in Pomona, CA.

As the “Forgiveness Expert and Guide,” Carolyn CJ Jones will be a workshop facilitator at Dr. Anita M. Jackson’s National Conference, The Unlimited Woman: IMPowering Women to MORE in Life, Business & Wealth.  This motivational national conference will be held at the beautiful Kellogg West Conference Center 3801 West Temple Avenue in Pomona, California beginning Friday, June 17, 2016 from 9:00 am PST through Saturday, June 18, 2016 until 5:00 pm. 

Know that a safe and sacred space is being created so attendees may experience deep connections with others, and with themselves.  Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and called forward to step into one’s next level of unlimited success!

"Carolyn is a fabulous public speaker whose calm nature deeply relaxes her audience and allows her message of forgiveness to remain strong. She has taken the hardest parts of her experience and transformed them into lessons we can all learn from."

Cailen Wright, Vice President, San Francisco Soroptimist Club

As one of the workshop facilitators, Ms. Jones’ workshop is entitled Change Your Story, Change Your Life: Receive Unlimited Success.  At this workshop, participants will:

  • Discover whether they have a situation, a story that is adversely affecting them
  • Learn about a story that may be something they are not even aware of
  • Become able to define and articulate their story through experiential exercises during the workshop
  • Become aware of practices that are change agents, such as gratitude and forgiveness
  • Begin to experience empowerment and freedom after they attend this powerful workshop
  • Learn that the amount of success they can experience is unlimited because they are open and receptive to it

To register for this conference, please go to  For more information about Carolyn CJ Jones and her programs, please visit her website at or contact her by phone at 415-883-8325 or email at 

About Carolyn CJ Jones

Carolyn CJ Jones is the multi-award winning author and photographer of her book, Opening the Gates of the Heart: A Journey of Healing. She is a compelling motivational speaker and a transformational life coach. Because of her life’s experiences, she is an expert at guiding others through their adversities to a place of ultimate happiness. Compassion and kindness are CJ’s innate nature, evidenced by the creation of her proven YIPPEE Method of coaching, as well as her 27 years as a registered nurse. During those years, she initiated and managed a program that allowed technology-dependent children living in the hospital ICU to be cared for at home with hourly nursing care. To implement the program, she spoke to hundreds of health care professionals, training them in the use of this heart-based service. In her current position as a speaker, CJ mesmerizes audiences with her story and provides hope that they, too, can surmount life’s difficulties. As a coach, CJ draws upon her abilities, offering knowledge and wisdom that transforms her clients’ lives forever.

Source: Carolyn CJ Jones, The Forgiveness Expert and Guide

About Carolyn CJ Jones

Known as the "Forgiveness Expert and Guide," Carolyn CJ Jones is a compelling motivational speaker and a transformational life coach.

Carolyn CJ Jones

Marin, CA