Career Empowerment in Creative BPO for Talented People with Disabilities

In lieu with the upcoming celebration of the National ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) month 2013, DOST and National Council on Disability Affairs.

Outsourcing Pilipinas is proud to announce this most awaited event to be launched for second year in a row. With the continuous development and progress in technologies, this also opened great and wide avenues for the people with disabilities (PWDs) opportunities to showcase their knowledge and skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.

Nowadays, many of the individuals who worked in BPO companies here in the Philippines are PWDs. But, these people are beyond talented, innovative and hardworking that they emerge above and have emerged as integral part of productive IT and BPO workforce. For them, their disabilities are not hindrances to their success but instead it is even their inspiration to shine through in jobs relating to IT and other industries.

Moreover, these professionals excel in programming and systems design, web designing, animation, are among the other fields they are renowned for. Without a doubt, these people have exemplary potentials and can be assets of any companies.

The organizers of the said event have listed the following objectives:

â— Provide a venue for PWDs job matching between employers and qualified PWDs.
â— Showcase the latest IT enabled productivity tools for PWDs.
â— An opportunity for Employers in the ICT industry to appreciate the talents capabilities of PWDs.
â— To inspire the event's participants that anything is possible with ICT.

The event is open for eligible employers, exhibitors and the following companies:
â— ICT companies
â— Companies with IT job vacancies
â— PWD Career Exhibitors
â— Adaptive Technologies' Exhibitors
â— GO/NGO Support Groups
â— Job websites

About Outsourcing Pilipinas

Outsourcing Pilipinas is one of the prime third party outsourcing vendor where internet marketing is their forte. Helping and enabling business venturers to market efficiently and effectively in the Internet playground; making businesses lucrative and valuable to worldwide customers. A one stop outsourcing hub ready to help marketers offering SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable and Time-bounded) services that includes SEO, web designing and development and a lot more. Contact us now .

About Outsourcing Pilipinas

Outsourcing Pilipinas
Block 51 Lot 3 South Villa Village Catalunan Grande Davao City
104 Molave Street Monte Maria Village Catalunan Grande Davao Cit,
