Capitol City Expansion, Inc. Attends Rewarding Conference

The Capitol City Expansion, Inc. team recently returned from an enlightening quarterly conference. The firm's director discussed the event and how to get the most out of attending conferences.

​Select members of the Capitol City Expansion, Inc. team just returned from an exciting industry conference. The benefits of attending this event will impact the firm in a wide variety of ways. “Our people had the chance to gain so many valuable insights during the conference,” stated JC S., the company’s director. “I can’t wait to watch them apply what they learned over the next few months.”

One primary benefit of attending industry conferences is the ability to interact with other top performers from the industry. JC added, “When you get to share best practices with professionals from across the country, good things are bound to happen. Our team members came back to the office with a lot of new tricks up their collective sleeve. They learned about the latest techniques in data analysis, customer engagement, and a range of other topics.”

"We returned from the conference with a long list of new connections,"

JC S., Company Director

Few events offer as many networking chances as an industry conference. The Capitol City Expansion, Inc. team made a variety of beneficial contacts while attending the quarterly event. “We returned from the conference with a long list of new connections,” the director said. “I think quite a few of them have the potential to turn into winning partnerships.”

Capitol City Expansion, Inc.’s Director Shares Tips for Making the Most of Conferences

 JC and the rest of the Capitol City Expansion, Inc. leadership team want their people to gain maximum benefit from attending industry gatherings. When it comes to big events like quarterly conferences, getting the most out of the experience takes some careful planning.

One thing JC encourages his team members to do is carefully select the sessions they will attend. As he put it, “There are typically far more speeches and seminars than you could possibly take in at a big conference. You can optimize the skill-building potential of the event if you find the ones you’re most interested in and schedule accordingly.”

Taking notes is also a good strategy to employ at an industry conference. “Whether they relate to new contacts or speeches from influential leaders, taking notes will help you remember what you learn,” JC noted. “If you write things down or make notes on your tablet or smartphone, you won’t have any problem following up with people or applying new tactics when you get back to the office.”

 About Capitol City Expansion, Inc.

Capitol City Expansion, Inc. is a goal-oriented firm that specializes in the planning and implementation of potent advertising campaigns. These innovative programs increase brand awareness, consumer engagement, and market share growth using meticulous research and analysis. The firm’s strategy provides high-value returns by compelling consumers to keep coming back to the brands they represent. The firm’s impressive outreach initiatives nourish enduring, mutually beneficial connections between clients and consumers, far outperforming the competition. For more details on the services they offer, contact