Capital Insurance Group® Announces the New Location for the 3rd Annual CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday™ on October 10, 2015
Monterey, CA, September 21, 2015 ( - –- The 3rd Annual CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday™ is expanding and moving to the Monterey County Fair & Event Center located at 2004 Fairground Road in Monterey. This important and free family-friendly, community safety event will be held on October 10, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday™ , which was developed by CIG in 2010 and has been held throughout California, Nevada, and Washington, features activities, demonstrations, and educational services designed to improve the safety and security of children, teens, families and communities. People of all ages will enjoy free games, prizes, food and a wealth of safety materials and resources from many different booths staffed by local and regional organizations.
L. Arnold Chatterton, President and CEO of Capital Insurance Group, remarks, “We are very excited to hold our Community Safety Saturday event at the Monterey County Fair & Event Center. We may never know how many people we touch with this important information. But we do know that the safety information and tools we provide at these events truly empower parents. If our efforts result in one less tragic story of a child injured while riding in a car because of a faulty or improperly installed child car safety seat, or one less tragic story of a child gone missing, or one less tragic story of a teen killed in a car crash, then we are thankful.”
One of the most important features of Community Safety Saturday is a free child car-seat safety inspection station operated by the California Highway Patrol. National studies reveal that 80 to 90 percent of children are not properly restrained when in a vehicle, and many local car-seat check points report that 95 percent of car seats are installed incorrectly. At Community Safety Saturday, expert technicians will check for proper installation and give parents and caregivers critical information about installing car seats correctly for their particular child and vehicle.
The CHP will also provide information and take signups for its Start Smart teen driver education classes. Start Smart classes increase traffic-safety knowledge and better prepare teens for the road ahead. The CHP will also bring information about the Impact Teen Driver program as well as talk to teens and parents about the dangers of distracted driving.
Another main attraction will be the KlaasKids Foundation Print-A-Thon, a free service providing digital photo ID and fingerprinting for every child. Parents receive a free DNA collection kit, child safety tips, and a 9-point plan on what to do if their child disappears. KlaasKids Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to stop crimes against children by providing education and knowledge to the general public, and by promoting partnerships with concerned citizens, the private sector, organizations, law enforcement and legislators. Marc Klaas, whose daughter Polly was abducted in 1993, advises, “The best way to avoid victimization is through education and knowledge.” Marc and his wife will personally attend Community Safety Saturday to conduct the Print-A-Thon and speak with attendees.
KlaasKids will also present child-safety technology products including the Cocoon for KlaasKids, a browser that utilizes the Cloud to protect privacy and provide age-appropriate websites, and Polly’s Guardian Angel, a missing-child alert system for iPhone and Android. Klaas remarks, “KlaasKids believes that technology has advanced to the point that certain applications can and do protect children from those wishing to exploit them.”
John La Porta, Director of Sales and Marketing for CIG, remarks, "We are very proud to partner with our local safety-oriented public services and to bring this important event to our community. CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday was born from our concern and commitment to keep children, teens and families safe. This year will be bigger and better than ever at this exciting new location!”
At the conclusion of Community Safety Saturday, a drawing will be held at which many exciting, family-oriented prizes will be given away.
Community Safety Saturday will feature the following attractions:
• California Highway Patrol – Monterey Area will conduct a child car seat inspection station and do sign-ups for their Start Smart program.
• KlaasKids Foundation will conduct their Print-A-Thon, a free service providing digital photo ID & fingerprinting for every child.
• Girl Scouts of California’s Central Coast will provide safety information.
• Monterey Fire Department will bring a fire engine and safety information.
• U.S. Forest Service will bring informational handouts as well as a wildland fire engine. Smokey Bear will also be on hand if he’s not off fighting a forest fire!
• Monterey County Sheriff’s Office–Coastal Station Monterey will bring crime prevention information.
• California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) will bring a fire engine and fire safety materials.
• Monterey County Boys and Girls Club will have a Wheel of Fortune Safety Game and information about their organization.
• Community Partnership for Youth will bring face painters and offer a lanyard-making activity.
• California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services will provide educational materials about how to prepare for earthquakes and tsunamis.
• Monterey County Office of Emergency Services will bring emergency preparedness information.
• U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will bring water and boating safety materials as well as environmental protection information.
• United Way Monterey County will have an information booth including handouts about the 2-1-1 program.
• Restorative Justice Partners will bring information about dispute resolution programs that foster empathy, accountability and restoration of fairness to victims and the community.
• Family Service Agency of the Central Coast/Suicide Prevention Service of the Central Coast will have a bean-bag toss and tic-tac-toe game and distribute their brochures and STOP cards.
• Community Emergency Response Volunteers (CERV) of the Monterey Peninsula will give out materials about turning off the gas/electricity and water in emergencies and simple medical responses learned in CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training.
• Central Coast CERT Association will provide emergency preparation information.
• The U.S. Coast Guard will bring their 29’ fast boat for tours and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will provide water, boating and environmental protection information. Auxtter the Sea Otter mascot will also be on hand.
For more information about CIG Insurance Community Safety Saturday, please go to
About Capital Insurance Group
Capital Insurance Group® (CIG) is the leading regional property and casualty insurer serving the Western U.S. since 1898. CIG insures Personal Auto, Homeowners, Farmowners, Condo Owners, Vacation Property, Renters, Apartment Building Owners, and many kinds of Commercial and Agricultural Auto and Property. The more-than-115-year-old company is rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best, the independent financial monitor of the insurance industry. CIG manages personal, business, and agriculture risks underwritten by its affiliate companies: California Capital Insurance Company, Eagle West Insurance Company, Nevada Capital Insurance Company, and Monterey Insurance Company. Types of policies may vary from state to state. For more information, please visit
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About the KlaasKids Foundation
The KlaasKids Foundation was established by Marc Klaas in 1994 to give meaning to the death of his twelve-year-old daughter, kidnap and murder victim Polly Hannah Klaas, and to create a legacy in her name that would be protective of children for generations to come. The foundation’s mission is to stop crimes against children by providing education and knowledge to the general public and promoting partnerships with concerned citizens, the private sector, organizations, law enforcement and legislators.
Wendy Brickman
Brickman Marketing
395 Del Monte Center #250
Monterey, CA 93940