Capacity and Market Facilitators - the Role of Distribution Companies in Tomorrow's Electrical Grid

With local production and storage, the electrical grid is becoming much more upstream and decentralised. This inevitably also changes the role of DSOs - and the question arises: "What is the role of the DSO in tomorrow's electrical grid?"

InteGrid - Smart solutions bridging the gap

Austrian energy tech company cyberGRID has successfully introduced a platform, which opens up a range of possibilities for the role of DSOs in a much more volatile electrical grid of the future.

cyberGRID is a participant in the EU project InteGrid, with a formulated goal to bridge the gap between citizens’ local electricity generation, storage, and the utilities. In this way, the traditional role of Distribution Companies expands from distribution and access services to active market facilitation and system optimisation services - while still ensuring the traditional areas of security and quality of supply.

The enabling IT platform from cyberGRID, in InteGrid, opens up for us to develop new business models, making use of new data management and VPP functionalities.

Pedro Godinho Matos, Integrid Project Coordinator, EDP Distribuição

”In EDP Distribuição we are now actively involving in InteGrid project, customers from the InovGrid Smart Grid infrastructure, which accounts today for more than 1,000,000, to test and develop our future role as system optimizers and as market facilitator,” says Pedro Godinho Matos, Integrid’s Project Coordinator from EDP Distribuição, and adds: “The enabling IT platform from cyberGRID, in InteGrid, opens up for us to develop new business models, making use of new data management and VPP functionalities.”

The InteGrid project focuses also on the integration of existing demonstration activities in other regions allowing to move from single solutions to an integrated management at a higher scale while focusing on the scalability and replicability considering current market conditions. 

“Participating in a project like InteGrid gives us the opportunity to prove how our IT platform can be used both to scale existing projects and to bring together activities from many different regions and with different approaches. In this respect we see ourselves taking part in developing the role of DSOs in the future,” says Marko Svetina, Managing Director at cyberGRID

cyberGRID was founded in 2010 as a specialist in the development of innovative Virtual Power Plant (VPP) solutions, located in Vienna, Austria. cyberGRID boosts the efficient use of existing generation resources, storage and the integration of renewable energy resources - and thus continuously contributes to the European-wide research agenda. cyberGRID offers an IT platform for a decentralised grid with storage capacities and large shares of intermittent energy.

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For more information about this topic, please contact:

Marko Svetina
Managing Director

Source: cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG

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