Canadian Self-Starter Uses Technology To Buck Tradition

Jonathan Stockwell is an Ontario-based entrepreneur who has used the Internet to live life on his terms. He doesn't have to report to a boss and, instead, spends everyday doing whatever he desires and wants to show others how they can do the same.

The traditional, "9-to-5" job is becoming increasingly outdated and undesirable due to continuing growth and innovation in the technology sector. Nowadays, just about everyone has a computer and goes online on a regular basis and this pervasiveness of computers and the Internet has created a viable alternative to working at a traditional job. Many people, including Toronto-based Jonathan Stockwell, are turning away from the limitations associated with working for a boss with their own online businesses.

"I knew that in today's day and age, there had to be a better way to earn a living than from the 'daily grind'," said Stockwell. "I was determined to find a way to achieve the wealth and freedom I wanted without having to report to a boss."

Armed with conviction and a sense of purpose, Stockwell researched various Internet-based income producing opportunities, looking for something that would enable him to create income on his own terms. He was drawn to the online business model because of its ease of use and low barriers to entry for business ownership. Being able to quickly achieve results and work when and where he chose was also high on his list of qualities he was searching for in a home-based business.

"What really attracted me to online business was its portability, simplicity and potential for creating wealth quickly," said Stockwell. "Yet, at the same time, I wanted to find something that I, in good conscience, could stand behind."

After sorting through hundreds of get-rich-quick schemes, Stockwell finally found an opportunity that fulfilled all his requirements. The program offered average, ordinary people the chance to become successful entrepreneurs with their own home-based businesses by providing them with in-depth tools, training and support. What really appealed to Stockwell about the system was that it offered him a way to support himself by helping others to improve their health and quality of life. He now has his own website at that he hopes will be a valuable resource for anyone looking to transform his or her life.

"When I found this program, I could just tell it was 'the One'," said Stockwell. "Not only did it provide all of the materials and support needed for launching a business, it also contained cutting-edge products for helping people to become healthier. That was the deciding factor for me and I couldn't be happier with my life now!"

About Jonathan Stockwell

Jonathan Stockwell
219 Gowan Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
