Campbell Hall Prints 3D Masks and Face Shields for Medical Community

Hopes to Inspire Other Schools to Join the Movement
3D Printing Face Shield

​​When Campbell Hall, a K-12 independent school in Studio City, CA, had to close its campus amid growing concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the school’s science teachers decided to put their collective knowledge to work in a venture to help the local medical community.

Led by Greg Williams, STEAM director and high school engineering teacher, and Karl Frank, Science Department Chair, the group has begun to produce prototypes of masks and face shields on each of the school’s six 3D printers. Using existing designs developed by a group of designers, doctors, and dentists, the teachers are making plastic masks and shields that can be wiped down and sanitized, enabling them to be used multiple times over a period of days. Campbell Hall has produced a number of such prototypes that are currently in the hands of some Los Angeles doctors and dentists who are testing them for fit. Once the final revisions are made, the school anticipates being able to produce 30 - 40 masks and/or face shields a day that will be donated to local hospitals and healthcare workers.

While practicing the requisite social distancing by maintaining a physical separation of 6 or more feet and wearing protective gear, limited numbers of people are admitted to campus at a time to prepare files for printing, monitor the 3D output, as well as oversee post-processing work and quality control on the masks and shields.

The global demand for protective personal equipment has created a worldwide shortage and is one of the greatest challenges facing medical workers. Grassroots efforts are underway from a number of organizations and individuals to help provide a stopgap in this critical area. “Giving back is part of the Campbell Hall ethos,” Williams said. “If there is something we can do to make a difference, then we feel compelled to help. Now that the design has proven effective, I hope other schools who have access to 3D printers will follow suit and partner with us.” 

“This is going to take many of us unifying behind a common cause,” Frank said. “Just as we gained valuable information from a variety of sources, we are sharing our final design with those who want to create similar products. The combined effort of many will, no doubt, help the healthcare workers who are on the frontlines of this pandemic risking their lives every day on behalf of us all.”

CONTACT: Hilary Rehder, Campbell Hall,

Source: Campbell Hall

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About Campbell Hall

Campbell Hall is a leading private all-gender day school for grades K-12 located in Studio City, CA. Their mission is a community of inquiry committed to academic excellence and to the nurturing of decent, loving, and responsible human beings.

Campbell Hall
4533 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
Studio City, California

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