Cameron Thomas' New Book 'The Balance' is a Riveting Fiction That Follows the Dangerous Battles of a Boy Standing Up for the World

Fulton Books author Cameron Thomas, an extremely creative and goofy 16-year-old who has spent a large portion of his life focusing on one project after another, has completed his most recent book "The Balance": an exciting journey about Liam Jones, a young boy who embarks on a mission to restore peace and save humanity by fixing time. After a decision that changed the trajectory of everyone's lives, will the world ever be the same again?

Thomas shares, "What would you do if you could alter the past?

"When in the wrong hands, what was supposed to be the greatest impact on history becomes the downfall of society across the world. With one simple press of a button, the lives of millions were altered. For some, it was to see the return of their loved ones, but for others, it was to say goodbye.

"In this roller coaster of emotions, we follow the traumatic story that changed the life of 19-year-old Liam Jones. When Liam receives a call from an old friend, the fate of the world is suddenly put in his hands.

"Join Liam and his friends on this treacherous journey as they fight to put the past back in order and keep the balance amongst humanity."

Published by Fulton Books, Cameron Thomas' enthralling read is an extraordinary look into the battle of a youth who finds that the fate of humanity is in his hands. Will he be able to restore the balance? To bring back the world to how it was then? Discover in these pages.

The author still hopes to share many more thoughts and messages in his writings in years to come. Readers can follow Thomas on his Instagram at @cameron_thomas_author

Readers who wish to experience this gripping work can purchase "The Balance" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books