California Real Estate Leader Applauds Forbes Magazine's Inclusion of Companies From State on Publisher's Annual List of Best Employers

Celebrity Broker and Forbes Real Estate Council Luminary Alex Radosevic Praises Publication's Selection of California Companies Among Nation's Best Employers
Alex Radosevic

​One of the state’s most high-profile real estate executives is thrilled with the just-released 2019 Forbes "Best Employers" list, celebrating the fact that California is well-represented in this year’s choices, including the snaring of three of the top 10 spots. “As a Californian since birth, I am always proud when the state gets recognition. To have three of the top 10 companies on the Forbes national list, including Trader Joe’s in the top spot makes me very proud,” Alex Radosevic of Canon Properties said. “I have been a big proponent of California’s business climate for a long time. It is great to see this acknowledgment of what many of us have known for a long while.”  

Joining Trader Joe’s in the top 10 are Google and Stanford University, both located in the heart of Silicon Valley. The three are not alone on the list, as California is also represented by other companies that fell just outside of the top 10. Radosevic points out that all of the selections represent very different sectors of the state’s economy, attesting to California’s diversity and increasingly welcome business and academic climate for entities of all sizes and types.

“There was a time not so very long ago when businesses were looking for the fastest route out of California,” Radosevic says. “However, in recent years, the state has made retaining businesses already here and creating an environment attractive to new ones an important priority.” He also points out that while California has been the safest and strongest real estate market for generations, the renewed vigor relative to attracting and retaining businesses is not going unnoticed. “We have been feeling this in the real estate sector for a long time,” Radosevic states. There is notable excitement and a palpable optimism enveloping those of us that are leaders and proponents of commerce here in California,” he continued.

The Beverly Hills broker reports that his phone doesn’t stop ringing with calls from people eager to tap into one of the hottest markets in the world. “We are fielding more inquiries than ever from businesses that want to move their operations to California,” he said. “Companies want to locate where other successful ventures are based. They also want to tap into the state’s highly skilled labor pool while also taking advantage of the quality of life that is unique to California,” continued Radosevic.

Google and Trader Joe’s have locations throughout the state and all of the companies recognized by the Forbes list, both inside and outside of the first 10 spots, represent virtually every part of a state whose nearly three-trillion-dollar economy would be the fifth-largest in the world if it were a country.

“We have boots on the ground throughout the state and we see it, we feel it and we love it. Others are discovering what we have known all along. Commerce in California is hot right now. I see this as an upward trend that won’t slow down any time soon,” the Los Angeles area real estate expert says.

While he played no role in the Forbes "Best Employers" endeavor, Radosevic is proud to be a member of the Forbes Real Estate Council. “Obviously I pay attention to everything that Forbes does,” Radosevic said. “My focus as a member of their real estate council is exactly that - real estate. But, the important thing to remember is that real estate trends often parallel the economy as a whole. California is most definitely open for business, and I have no doubt that the best is yet to come,” Radosevic concluded.

Media Contact: Karen Norris - - 310-273-1975 extension 106

Source: Canon Properties

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