California Infrastructure Looks to EB-5 Visa Program, Andre Hurst of San Diego Based AGRC Meets With Lawmakers

​American General Regional Center announced today that Managing Member Andre Hurst has been meeting with State officials in Sacramento discussing EB-5 as a funding method to fund Infrastructure repairs in California. 

The State of California and its municipalities issue bonds in order to finance crucial infrastructure projects.  California voters have approved the issuance of more than $65 billion of bonds to improve and build new schools, roads, housing, parks, levees, jails and public facilities.  Over the next few years, the State will be selling these bonds to raise the money to build these projects.  Investment in these bonds help turn the projects approved by voters into reality and stimulating the economy by, among other things, creating construction jobs in the State.

California's infrastructure is critical to a successful economy

Andre Hurst, Manager

American General Regional Center is looking to partners with California in raising money to purchase these infrastructure bonds to help finance these critical infrastructure projects. 

Source: American General Regional Center