Cala Corporation Stock Symbol CCAA is Reactivated

Cala Corporation Stock Symbol CCAA has been Reactivated by the Securities Exchange and Commission
Cala Cruise Ship

Cala Corporation, trading on the American Quotation Market since 1985 under the stock symbol of CCAA, is pleased to inform to its shareholders scattered throughout the world that the company has become current with its Securities Exchange & Commission financial filings. The previous delinquency had caused the SEC to halt trading of CCAA. The recent filings have resulted in the reactivation of our company’s stock symbol CCAA. Last month the SEC instructed the FINRA Market Operation division to lift the CCAA stock symbol revocation. Currently, we’re waiting for the first broker or market maker to initiate the Ask and Bid price. The first broker or market maker to do so will need to execute the sale order by filling out a New Issue Form which will include the following:

Company Name: Cala Corporation 

Cusip: 128 04 A 100

Symbol: CCAA

Initial Bid and Ask: Investor discretion

Order: New issue Form

If further instruction is needed, the broker or market maker can contact Ms. Jessica Roberson, FINRA Market Operation Division at 1.866.776.0800

Company Contact info:

Joe Cala at 713.380.5147

Source: Cala Corporation

About Cala Corporation

UnderSea Resort
Offshore Casino
Floating Hotel
Cruise Ship

Cala Corporation
701, North Post Oak Road , #615
Houston , Texas