CACFP in Your Community: Celebrate National CACFP Week March 12-18, 2017

Austin, TX, February 20, 2017 ( - Each year more than 4 million children are served 1.9 billion meals and snacks through the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) in child care centers, family care homes and after-school programs. CACFP provides that same access to over 120,000 elderly persons in adult day care. These are staggering numbers. Even more staggering is the fact that without the CACFP many of the those children would not have access to healthy foods or any food at all.
The primary goals of the CACFP are to serve nutritious meals to children and help establish positive eating habits at the earliest stages of development. Research indicates that the CACFP is an indicator of quality child care. Children that are cared for by providers participating in the CACFP benefit by being fed nutritious, USDA regulated meals that ensure their proper development. These children gain from early nutrition education that helps them establish positive eating habits that will enrich the quality of their diet throughout their life. Child care providers receive nutrition education and support services from their CACFP sponsors who help them serve nutritious meals and create a positive eating environment for children. The quality of child care provided in our community is improved due to educational and financial resources available to caregivers through the CACFP.
Over 115,000 family child care providers working with 800 sponsors use CACFP to provide children with high quality nutrition and learning experiences.
Thousands of people work daily, and tirelessly, to make sure children in America are getting access to healthy foods on a regular basis. Annually, with National CACFP Week, we celebrate their passion and commitment while also raising awareness of the food program. During National CACFP Week, March 12-18, 2017, the National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA) encourages communities to come together to learn and acknowledge the many ways our next best generation benefits from the work and dedication of CACFP professionals and the program itself. We know that when we all join forces and work together the message we provide is stronger and will receive more attention. To celebrate CACFP in your community this year, get a tool-kit and free resources at
Since 1986 the National CACFP Sponsor Association (NCA) is the leading national organization for sponsors who administer the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). We provide education and support to thousands of members in the CACFP community and in particular to sponsors of all sizes from across the country. We strive to improve communication between families, care givers, sponsors, and their supervising government agencies.
Source: National CACFP Sponsors Association