The growing demand for MSP Cybersecurity services makes it important to know how to effectively market and sell your offerings. As many SMBs moved employees into remote workforces due to the current pandemic, the transition has put new cybersecurity risks in the spotlight. This shift is making it more important for MSPs to market and sell cybersecurity services. Small business owners are becoming more knowledgeable and aware of today's myriad threats. Here are 3 tips MSPs can use.

Craig Lojewski

Your customers know they need something to stop the bad guys and are looking to their MSP for solutions. Building a beneficial set of cybersecurity products is essential to every MSP but marketing and selling those services can be a challenge.

1. Lead by example

An MSP should put the same effort into protecting its own business as it would its customers. Security is an investment, not a cost: An MSP's business and its reputation are at stake, this should be considered as it No. 1 priority.

We are aware of the numerous successful cyberattacks on MSPs that have led to thousands of ransomware infections and, in some cases, an entire MSP customer base becoming infected. An MSP should be the front line of defense to its customers and should lead them by example. Informing its customers about the protections it has for its own systems, customers will want those tools protecting their businesses.

As MSPs secure their internal systems and create or update internal security policies and processes, they will find tools to fill in the gaps and supplement their stack. Many important changes can be made for free.

Examples include the following:

· Enable multifactor authentication on all systems and portals.

· Update internal password policy.

· Have conversations about cybersecurity with employees to keep it top of mind.

· Make sure employees are not using personal devices for work.

· Ensure company devices are always secured.

2. Bundle

Do not over complicate the sales process. Bundle all products into the per-user/per-device cost.

A customer that does not follow an MSP's guidance and advice is a risk to the MSP as much or more than their own.

Successful ransomware attacks take away precious tech resources to deal with the aftermath, create potential legal and insurance ramifications and ultimately can adversely affect the reputation of your business.

3. Marketing through education

The more customers are educated with facts and information on cyber-risk the more aware they will become on the need for stronger security. There has been a 667% increase in spear-phishing email attacks since February 2020 and ransomware attacks on SMBs is as high as it has ever been.

As we move into a new era we also move into a new way of looking at security. MSPs need to protect businesses with good security tools as they become their customers' security experts.

Source: C2 Computer Services, Inc.