Byrd Britt's New Book 'Tales From a Penny: A Trip to the Park' is a Fascinating Adventure That Helps in Developing a Child's Problem-Solving Skills

Fulton Books author Byrd Britt, a former educator, a finance assistant, a lover of flying kites, has completed her most recent book "Tales from a Penny: A Trip to the Park": an easy-to-digest story for kids complemented by captivating illustrations. This tale unfolds Jack and his friends' fun day at the park. The skies were clear and perfect for flying kites. The kids were having a good time running and pulling the kites behind them ... until a big gust of wind blew Suki's kite too far.

Britt shares, "Tales from a Penny: A Trip to the Park is the second book in the Tales from a Penny series. This is a story about a little boy named Jack and his lucky penny, Emmie, as they go on their next big adventure.

"Jack invites his friends Stevie and Suki to go to the park to fly kites. At the park, they fly their colorful kites high in the sky. They have fun running with the kites and making them do tricks.

"The adventure takes a turn and their fun day of flying kites suddenly hits a snag. Will Emmie the penny bring them good luck in the end? Come along on this fun and exciting adventure as told in Tales from a Penny: A Trip to the Park."

Published by Fulton Books, Byrd Britt's book is an amusing read that helps children hone their social and problem-solving skills. At the same time, it encourages kids to be physically active by spending time outdoors.

This delightful piece is the author's second book in the Tales from a Penny series.

Readers who wish to experience this charming work can purchase "Tales from a Penny: A Trip to the Park" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books