Butterfly Fish Productions Releases a Free Stay-at-Home Digital Coloring Book to Thank Front-Line Workers and to Launch the Kindeez Children's Book Series That Promotes Kindness

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., May 21, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Butterfly Fish Productions announces the release of their free stay-at-home coloring book to thank essential workers and help overwhelmed homebound families looking for a fun way to teach lessons in kindness while social distancing. It also introduces a new group of children’s book characters, The Kindeez. This free digital copy of The Kindeez Stay-at-Home Coloring Book is available now at thekindeez.com.
What if mythical creatures, prehistoric animals, science-fiction beings, and humans all co-existed during the same time and lived in the same place? Well, in Amigos Valley they do. Meet The Kindeez. The Kindeez is a fantastic and diverse mix of evolved characters that unite to spread kindness to all. From learning to lend a helping hand with Roman the Robot to teaching politeness with Uku the Unicorn, The Kindeez children’s book series by Butterfly Fish Productions presents kindness in a fun and exciting way. The Kindeez Stay-at-Home Coloring Book was created to say "Thank You" to those serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in all essential services. "As a family-owned company, we wanted to do something to help. We noticed that kids were looking for something fun to do during the pandemic, and it seemed like the perfect time to promote the most fundamental lesson of all- kindness," said Vincent Lucido, co-owner (and illustrator) of Butterfly Fish Productions.
About the Creators
Amid a successful storyboard and illustration career in the entertainment industry, Vincent Lucido began creating The Kindeez with his wife, Sandy Lucido. The result is the book The Kindeez Stay-at-Home Coloring Book and The Kindeez: Learning to be Kind One Act at a Time (soon to be released). Sandy Lucido, co-owner and author said, "This book series was created to offer an alternative to a lot of the negative messaging in the world by showing how just one act of kindness can change people's hearts." Vincent and Sandy live in Southern California with their two children. Butterfly Fish Productions is excited to share the many projects and products of The Kindeez, with their message of kindness to all.
Product Availability
The Kindeez Stay-at-Home Coloring Book is available now for free digital download at thekindeez.com.
THE KINDEEZ and related logos, and the name and appearance of each character, are copyright and trademarks of Vincent Lucido and Sandra Lucido. BUTTERFLY FISH PRODUCTIONS and logo are trademarks of Vincent Lucido and Sandra Lucido.
Media Contact:
Butterfly Fish Productions
(310) 427-9295
Website: thekindeez.com
Source: Butterfly Fish Productions