Emerging Growth CEO: Rethinking Packaging for Legal Cannabis States Was Challenging.

Changing Attitudes Toward Cannabis Causes CEOs to Make Cautious Decisions

​​Emerging Growth ("EGI"), a company that is set to revolutionize how grow-shops in legal Cannabis states eliminate diseases affecting the plant, announces new packaging for its products.

Repackaging of Emerging Growth's product  — a fluid typically used in operating rooms to eliminate infection — into a home CPAP cleanser was well under way until beta testers announced it was perfect for eliminating Cannabis diseases as well. "It's been a problem because we just raised funds to capture the output of a $120,000 machine to produce it — and what will our customers think about it?" said Emerging Growth CEO, Mike Shulman.

We thought long and hard about it. When users sheepishly reported using the fluid to deal with 'pot' diseases we saw the financial potential. Why not? It's in the greatest tradition of American free enterprise.

Michael Shulman, CEO Emerging Growth Institute (EGI)

To be sure, that's a hard question as more states legalize home-growing of a few plants. The market for impulse packaged products in "Grow Shops" is vast and compared to cosmetic packaging very "Plain Jane." An upscale package could create a huge revenue stream.

In states where Cannabis is legal, there are two kinds of outlets: those that sell flowers, leaves, edibles, and smoking gear, and those selling growing equipment and supplies for home growing. Visitors to such shops depend on store personnel advice for what home remedies work. Many of the "grow store" products may well be from those who once successfully grew plants before legalization... but that is changing. 

Packages once sporting hand lettering or simple printed instructions are being replaced by more eye-catching, upscale approaches you might see on cosmetic products. With 2,000 packaging exhibitors in Las Vegas for this year's Pack Expo, EGI saw it as an opportunity to get expert packaging in an instant without having to wait months and pay experts to come up with the right "look."

The CPAP version could tap 80 million Americans but the Cannabis market is growing rapidly as states continue to legalize. Instead of a long-term packaging selection and graphics development, EGI found ClearBags among the 2000 exhibitors at a recent Expo and in minutes had a package with an eye-catching label and shipped samples to distributors from the show booth (S6454). Shulman admits concerns on the overall reaction of "mainstream" customers but says, "After all...this is in the greatest tradition of free enterprise. With 29 states already legalizing that market is a monster too ...maybe bigger."

Product details are at www.grow-ur-own.com. For interviews contact (407) 741-3489.

Media Contact Info

Mike Scott
(407) 741-3489

Source: Emerging Growth

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