Business Advisors Promotion Launched for Small and Medium Sized Businesses

WireWalkersVA recently launched their 'Business Advisors' page to showcase business or marketing advice from business owners and entrepreneurs. This advice is then promoted on their LinkedIn Groups with a combined membership of 80,000+ members.

WireWalkersVA recently launched their 'Business Advisors' page to showcase business or marketing advice coming from various business owners and experts. These pieces of advice are also promoted on their LinkedIn Groups (and Subgroups) with a combined membership of 80,000+ members.

WireWalkersVA, a SEO, social media and web site development company, created a page on their site that serves as a platform for business owners, experts, entrepreneurs and start-ups to provide their corresponding business advice. It is called the "Business Advisors" page. The Business Advisors page is one way for business owners to promote their site, to let other people and businesses know what their site or business is all about, and, mainly, to share their experiences and advice to colleagues and other businesses. Being the manager and promoter of the world's largest LinkedIn group (over 750,000+ members), WireWalkersVA knows that promoting your own business online and being successful at it - given the competitive business environment - is a hard thing to do. It's one of the main reasons why the Business Advisors page was launched.

"We're always thinking of ways to help other businesses to promote themselves to a larger audience. Giving great and sound advice will allow individuals to establish themselves as experts in their fields - obviously enhancing their trustworthiness and credibility in the eyes of their target market. The backlink from our site, the blogging out of their content and the LinkedIn promotion, really, are just added benefits to the whole process," said Peter Lee, WireWalkersVA's CEO.

This promotion opportunity for business owners, startups and entrepreneurs has very simple requirements. If you are a business owner, entrepreneur etc... and you're willing to write up a single page of business or marketing advice from your own experience, then you definitely qualify. All you have to do is to provide the business advice in a MS Word or compatible format, an image (business logo or profile picture), and a few details from your business, and send it to

Once your business advice is approved and published on WireWalkersVA's Business Advisors page (, it will be promoted (with your site's details) to some of WireWalkersVA's LinkedIn Group/Subgroups including "Marketing and Sales", "Media and Entertainment", "NY/NJ Business Owners", "NY/NJ Women & Minority Business Owners", and "Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups", which, in total, have 80,000+ members.

About WireWalkersVA

WireWalkersVA is a SEO, social media and web development company based in New York, NY and was started by its CEO, Peter Lee and a dedicated team of business, marketing and social media advisors. Their website provides business, marketing and social media resources in the form of free ebooks, podcasts, videos, blogs and a business forum.