Building Honey Bees 'Super Safe Highways' Is Vital to America!

Dr. Patricia Bragg, World Health Crusader, discusses the importance of supporting honey bees in America. "Everyone can help save our Bees!"
Dr. Patricia Bragg

“Planting safe ‘Bee Highways’ in our neighborhoods and across America sounds like a ‘cute’ and ‘quaint’ idea until you realize that without bees, crops such as apples, avocados, grapes, cotton, almonds and many others soon may completely disappear,” said Dr. Patricia Bragg, CEO of Bragg Live Food Products in Santa Barbara, Ca. an international organic health company.

Last year beekeepers across America lost a whopping 44% of their bee colonies, due to increased air pollution, pesticides and urban development. Many crops and 75% of all flowering plants need the help of pollinators to survive. The most prolific pollinators of all, of course, are honey bees. Government officials say last year’s terrible death toll among bees will cost American consumers more than $15 billion in lost fruit and vegetable crops.

"Creating safe Bee Highways across the country and then around the world is critical! So, let's get started!"

Patricia Bragg, Dr.

“We are not only killing bees, we are killing ourselves!” said Dr. Bragg, whose father, Dr. Paul C. Bragg, was the originator of health food stores in America in 1912.  “Creating safe Bee Highways across the country and then around the world is critical! So, let’s get started.  Everyone can help save our miracle-working bees!”

These highways of life for the bees can be created on rooftop gardens, in front lawns, in back yards, on balconies, public parks and along roadways. These should be grown organically, with no pesticide use. Dr. Bragg is mounting a campaign to encourage everyone to squeeze in a few flower containers, or plant a row in the garden, or devote entire gardens to bees.  Even a pot on the porch will help the Bee Highway grow. You can also work with your community to devote community organic gardens for bees or in the parks or along roadways or fences, according to Dr. Bragg.

Bee supporters are planning to rally in Washington to gather support for bee habitat and to protest increased use of deadly pesticides, which are killing bees. Their efforts are being opposed by pesticide manufacturers like Dow Chemical and Monsanto, which makes the insecticide, Roundup.

Meanwhile, Dr. Bragg urges all Americans to swing into action by helping to build the connecting safe, organic bee highway, which allow the bee colonies to visit enough flowers to spread the pollen and get enough nectar to survive.  Bees feast on summer flowers such as bottle brush, Echinacea, snapdragons, roses, foxglove, honeysuckle, bee balm and other flowers. In the fall, they like zinnias, sedum, asters, winter bloom, and goldenrod. Wild lilac, hyacinth, crocus and calendula are great in the spring.  An added bonus is that butterflies and hummingbirds also will love to cruise these protected bee highways.

“It’s time for all of us to help the bees get back on the healthy road!” said Dr. Bragg.  (See more about bees at:

Contact:  Allison White or Michael Bowker  800-446-1990

Source: Bragg Live Food Products

About Bragg Live Foods

Bragg Live Foods is one of the most recognizable organic food companies in the world.

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199 Winchester Canyon Road
Goleta, CA