Brussels Scientologist Back City With Volunteer Action

Brussels, Belgium, May 3, 2016 ( - Volunteers from the Churches of Scientology for Europe joined in the spirit of the 8th annual la Journée de la Propreté (Cleanliness Day) with a neighborhood cleanup. For the past eight years, the City of Brussels has set aside one day in April where they hold events and encourage residents and visitors to care for the environment.
The volunteers are members of The Way to Happiness Association. They began their cleanup at Hallepoort, a medieval fortified city gate that is now part of the Royal Museums for Art and History, and walked to Avenue Louise, picking up trash all along the way.
"There are many things one can do to help take care of the planet. They begin with the idea that one should. They progress with suggesting to others they should. Man has gotten up to the potential of destroying the planet. He must be pushed on up to the capability and actions of saving it."
L Ron Hubbard
The Way to Happiness Association volunteers hold cleanups like this throughout the year. They consider it part of their responsibility as residents.
The Way to Happiness is a nonreligious guide to better living for use by anyone of any faith or creed. The booklet was written in 1981 by author, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.
In the 12th precept of the booklet, "Safeguard and Improve your Environment," Mr. Hubbard states, "There are many things one can do to help take care of the planet. They begin with the idea that one should. They progress with suggesting to others they should. Man has gotten up to the potential of destroying the planet. He must be pushed on up to the capability and actions of saving it."
The Way to Happiness Association of Brussels is supported by the Churches of Scientology for Europe. For more information on the Churches of Scientology of Europe, visit their website at To learn more about The Way to Happiness visit The Way to Happiness Foundation website at
Source: Churches of Scientology for Europe