Brown Bag Party - Parties For A Cure!

Southern California - Brown Bag consultant, Shannon Coley, is passionate about romance and about the fight against cancer. Host a romance party Sunday through Thursday, and Shannon will donate 20% of the sales to the Relay For Life.

Since losing her father to cancer in 2008, Shannon has found healing, comfort, and support at the Relay for Life from others who have faced cancer or who have lost a loved one to the disease. It's a chance to meet people in the community who are equally as passionate about finding an end to cancer in our lifetime.

Host a romance party Sunday through Thursday, and in addition to the 20% hostess rewards ... 20% of the sales will be donated to the Relay For Life team of your choice. The donation will be made that night!

Relay For Life is not just fighting one type of cancer - they are fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. Each person who shares the Relay experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a world where this disease will no longer threaten the lives of our loved ones or claim another year of anyone's life.

To party for a cure, or to find a consultant in your area, contact:
Party For A Cure with Brown Bag Party by Shannon
Shannon Coley
Brown Bag Party

About Brown Bag Party

Brown Bag Party
26613 Cortrite Ave.
Hemet, CA
