Brooklyn Industries and Partners In Health help HEAL EBOLA

In the face of challenge, Brooklyn's creative community has always blazed its own path. As such, it's going to require fierce imagination and boundless energy to tackle a crushing health epidemic like Ebola. We also need a philanthropic community, with a similar mindset, to fuel the fight.

Initially, the Ebola crisis was the headliner for every major news outlet, largely due to the devastating effects of the disease, mixed with international politics, media hype and a true fear across the world.  Even though Ebola is still ravaging West Africa, Ebola is no longer front page news.

Not only does Ebola remain an active threat in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the already fragile healthcare systems throughout West Africa have been decimated by this epidemic. In many places, treatments for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria have collapsed, further threatening affected communities. In order to heal West Africa, Ebola must be treated, contained, and finally eliminated as an active threat.

"Although we are far away, PIH needs our help to build enduring institutions, and to ensure the freedom to have basic health care that we take for granted here in Brooklyn."

Lexy Funk , CEO of Brooklyn Industries

Brooklyn Industries (BI) is supporting the efforts of Partners In Health (PIH) to rebuild healthcare systems throughout West Africa. 100% of the proceeds from the BI “HEAL” t-shirt will be donated to PIH to help hire, train and equip a new generation of West African healthcare providers. The t-shirt message and design illustrates the ongoing effort to HEAL communities across the effected countries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia.  PIH is committed to the healthcare effort in West Africa far beyond the emergency Ebola Response.

BI targets a demographic that sets trends while remaining somewhat skeptical of them. A demographic that believes in leading rather than reacting. Now we need a new generation of philanthropic leaders with the willingness to stick around after the mainstream has moved on to the next thing. People who know their own minds. People who don’t hesitate to act.

Get your “HEAL” t-shirt today!