Broadview Marketing Group Shares Expansion Plans for 2016

At Broadview Marketing Group, all systems are go for launching a successful new year. The managers stated that plans are in the works for the firm to expand into new markets, implement more campaigns, and promote more associates.

“We are currently in the midst of developing some exciting campaigns for brands,” announced Trevin, Broadview Marketing Group’s Director of Operations. “We’re also expanding into a new market.”

As Trevin noted, much of the credit for Broadview Marketing Group’s success goes to the team. “We have a world-class group specially trained to provide optimal results for the products we represent,” he said. “Last year was a banner year for our team and we’re building on that momentum.”

"We carefully recruit candidates who are career-minded,"

Trevin , Director of Operations

Trevin noted that the interactive marketing firm’s training program allows associates to develop their professional skills and grow into advanced roles. “We carefully recruit candidates who are career-minded,” he noted. “Our coaching program is designed to pass on the techniques and know-how so new associates can quickly get up to speed on our methods. As they master different aspects of our program, they advance into new roles.”

In fact, several team members have emerged from this training program as campaign managers. Trevin noted that some of these associates will be relocating to a new market to launch operations there was well. “We’re all about growth, all the way around – for brands, for our business, and for our team.”

Broadview Marketing Group Managers Offer Tips for Developing a Leadership Program

Broadview Marketing Group’s training program is renowned for developing exceptional leaders. As Trevin suggested, much of this success stems from the firm’s strategic plan for coaching and knowledge sharing. “It starts with assessing goals,” he explained. “Make sure your vision is clear and that you’ve communicated it in a way that is meaningful to your team. With this, you’re also modeling the type of leadership you want your associates to emulate.”

“Next, you’ll want to identify which associates are candidates for leadership,” he added. “Not everyone has the fortitude to assume a managerial role. Observe who is willing to take on more responsibility, who is a tenacious problem solver, and who demonstrates an ability to help others overcome obstacles and reach goals. Such an individual will benefit greatly from your leadership training program.”

Trevin stressed that using textbook leadership models is futile. “They don’t work in real-world situations,” he said. “Instead, use field-based situations as learning material. Did you have an experience with a customer that could have gone better? That’s a great training example to build on.”

“The more learning and growth opportunities you present your associates, the more rewards you’ll reap,” Trevin concluded. “Each year, we get better because we build off what we did in the past, using it to propel us into the future. I predict 2016 is going to be a great year.”

About Broadview Marketing Group

Broadview Marketing Group is a results-oriented provider of dynamic promotional campaigns designed for the modern marketplace. Their team of branding specialists is equipped with all the skills and knowledge necessary to reach targeted customers and build lasting brand loyalty. Through customized advertising campaigns backed by in-depth market research, Broadview Marketing Group forges mutually-beneficial relationships between companies and the public. These relationships result in boosted profitability and enhanced market presence for the firm’s diverse clients. Broadview Marketing Group looks forward to a bright future as a dynamic and innovative leader in the marketing and consulting services industry.