Broadview Marketing Group Sets Goals for Growth in 2016

The Director of Operations at Broadview Marketing Group discussed the firm's aggressive goals for growth in 2016 and shared productivity tips. He also detailed the company's emphasis on leadership training.

​Company leaders at Broadview Marketing Group are ready to take the positive momentum from 2015 and build on it even further. “Our team accomplished some remarkable things last year, and we have no intention of slowing down,” declared Trevin, the Director of Operations. “We have set our sights even higher in 2016, and I have every expectation that our associates will come through with flying colors.”

Trevin and the rest of the Broadview Marketing Group executive team understand that their associates will need to be more productive than ever to achieve the aggressive goals they have put in place. The Director has some simple productivity tips to share with his team members. He explained, “I think one of the biggest keys to getting more done is eliminating distractions wherever possible. That would be the focal point of my productivity strategy.”

"Our team accomplished some remarkable things last year, and we have no intention of slowing down,"

Trevin, Director of Operations

One thing Trevin reminds his team members to do is get rid of time wasters that plague productivity. “Checking email, social media, and other online distractions throughout the day really adds up to a lot of wasted time,” he added. “I encourage all our promotional specialists to set aside windows of time for doing each of these things. That way, they don’t infringe on important tasks as much as they might otherwise.”

The Director also recommends writing down daily priorities as a way to get more done on a regular basis. He remarked, “I think putting goals in writing at the beginning of each day is the best way to stay on top of important tasks. When you’re in the process of writing, you can also brainstorm strategies to get those tasks accomplished.”

Broadview Marketing Group’s Director Discusses Leadership Training

Sharpening leadership skills throughout the team is another major goal for Broadview Marketing Group in 2016. Trevin commented, “We want our high achievers to take big steps forward as leaders in the coming year. Our commitment to ongoing education will reflect that throughout 2016.”

Communication skills will be stressed in these leadership training efforts. “We want our associates to know the importance of transparency and doing what they say they are going to do,” Trevin stated. “Those behaviors really can’t be emphasized enough. Although our people operate with complete integrity here at Broadview Marketing Group, it’s always a good idea to reinforce how critical it is to communicate clearly with colleagues and business partners.”

Trevin also believes in the value of stretching beyond current capabilities. “I believe great leaders motivate through the examples they set,” he concluded. “We encourage our talented associates to challenge themselves on a regular basis and strive for constant improvement. Those will also be key points in our leadership training in 2016.”

About Broadview Marketing Group

Broadview Marketing Group is a results-oriented provider of dynamic promotional campaigns designed for the modern marketplace. Their team of branding specialists is equipped with all the skills and knowledge necessary to reach targeted customers and build lasting brand loyalty. Through customized advertising campaigns backed by in-depth market research, Broadview Marketing Group forges mutually-beneficial relationships between companies and the public. These relationships result in boosted profitability and enhanced market presence for the firm’s diverse clients. Broadview Marketing Group looks forward to a bright future as a dynamic and innovative leader in the marketing and consulting services industry.