Announces Substantial Increase In Lawyer Funding Products (Bridgeview Legal Funding Inc.) has seen a substantial increase in its funding products geared directly toward Legal Practices. believes this recent "uptick" of activity is a sign of the times (Bridgeview Legal Funding Inc.) has seen a substantial increase in its funding products geared directly toward Legal Practices. is already a leader in funding plaintiffs with cash advances for pre-settled cases, but is now becoming a player in the direct lawyer funding segment of the industry as well. reports that its funding to legal professionals has increased 200% in the last month. And recent activity suggests this trend is going to continue for the foreseeable future. believes this recent "uptick" of activity is a sign of the times in more ways than one. Charles Cocuzza, CEO of assessed the situation, "what we are seeing in the recent numbers - and across the board in the industry - is that lawyers are not only recommended plaintiffs to us for funding services, but they themselves are seeking capital needs to finance large case loads while the economy suffers. This trend is consistent with the legal funding industry being more prevalent within the financing or "factoring" industry as a whole. Lawyer's receiving capital funding on their already settled case receivables is no different than what goes on in the medical industry or any other industry where asset financing is necessary to meet internal cash-flow needs."

Lawyers, like plaintiffs can use the funds for whatever expenses that they may, have such as: payroll, general office expenses, case expenses - such as expert witnesses, or simply for personal use. Lawyers may register online at or call directly at 888.FUND.599 to discuss the various litigation funding products that are available specifically for Law Firms. Bridgeview Legal Funding Inc. maintains the strictest confidentiality in handling all of its client's matters.

About Bridgeview Legal Funding

Bridgeview Legal Funding
13951 N. Scottsdale Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ
