Breakthrough Refinement of the Parkinson's Disease Exercise Prescription

A groundbreaking approach for the refinement of exercise prescriptions for people with Parkinson’s Disease is now being taught to healthcare providers. The first seminar of Exercise Prescription, Individualized Care for Parkinson’s Disease (EPIC-PD™), was recently presented to a group of Doctors of Physical Therapy and Physical Therapy Assistants.

EPIC-PD™ was developed by Dr. Ben Weinstock, who has more than 30 years of experience treating people with Parkinson’s Disease. “No two people with Parkinson’s Disease are the same. Each person has their own specific movement problems, as well as their individual non-motor problems.” Non-motor difficulties can range from abnormalities in blood pressure, poor heart responses to exercise, poor sleep, altered cognition, and depression. “Just about every non-motor problem can have a negative effect on one’s ability to exercise. Up until now, patients are usually given exercise instructions, but the non-motor component of the disease is usually not taken into account. For the first time, we can provide care based on every facet of the disease.”

EPIC-PD™ provides the tools for individualized care for all patients with Parkinson's Disease. I have an enhanced ability to examine and manage these patients.

Dr. Michael Masaracchio, Doctor of Physical Therapy

Clinicians trained in EPIC-PD™ have the capability of performing comprehensive motor and non-motor evaluations in order to determine a patient’s unique profile. The result is a true prescription for exercise, as well as evidence-based recommendations and referrals for diet, sleep, and other lifestyle modifications. Moreover, clinicians are also trained to recognize features of diseases that mimic Parkinson’s Disease. It is estimated that between 50-75 percent of people initially diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease actually have some other condition.

The key aspect of EPIC-PD™ is the Parkinson’s Exercise Autonomic Response Level (PEARL™). According to Dr. Weinstock, “The PEARL™ system allows clinicians to connect non-motor problems to well-researched guidelines for how intensively one can exercise. The result is that people with Parkinson’s Disease can safely gain the immense benefits of exercise while minimizing the risks.”

EPIC-PD™ fills an unmet need in the care of people with Parkinson’s Disease. Although vigorous exercise is widely believed to be beneficial for Parkinson’s, it is not without risks. In fact, approximately 70 percent of people with Parkinson’s are actually exercise intolerant due to a loss of normal nerve impulses to the heart.  Other exercise-related problems can include significant changes in blood pressure, as well as difficulty regulating body temperature. And for Parkinson’s patients with cognitive issues, it is possible that intense exercise may actually hasten the onset of dementia.

Clinicians who attended included physical therapists from top NYC hospitals, such as New York University and Mt. Sinai Medical Center. Doctors of Physical Therapy in private practice also attended. One of them was Dr. Michael Masaracchio. After completing the seminar he stated, “EPIC-PD™ provides the tools for individualized care for all patients with Parkinson’s Disease. I have an enhanced ability to examine and manage these patients.” Additional seminars are planned for 2018.

Dr. Ben Weinstock
​Phone: 347.821.6438

Source: Weinstock Physical Therapy, PC

About Weinstock Physical Therapy, PC

A private physical therapy practice specializing in complex geriatric diseases.

Weinstock Physical Therapy, PC
2560 Ocean Avenue , #Suite 3B
Brooklyn, NY