Brandon Frere Talks About Equality Versus Equity

Idea Exchange

There’s a lot of talk about making sure everyone is treated fair and equally, especially from a business standpoint. But is equality really what is going to best help a business succeed? Brandon Frere, successful entrepreneur and CEO of several companies, has some words about the need to balance equality and equity in a business.

“Every employee brings with them a new opportunity for the company. They might need some sort of accommodation to achieve their top productivity, but they’re a part of the team in a business. It’s the job of the business owner to take care of employees because they’re the ones who take care of your business,” said Frere. Equality means every employee gets the same thing. The same desk, the same training, all of the same tools to use. But each employee is a unique person and won’t need the same things to reach maximum productivity. An employee that suffers from back issues might need a standing desk or another might need more hands-on training to gain a new skill because of how they learn.

Every employee brings with them a new opportunity for the company. They might need some sort of accommodation to achieve their top productivity, but they're a part of the team in a business. It's the job of the business owner to take care of employees because they're the ones who take care of your business.

Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises

But not every situation will need specifics for it to be fair. The need for equality versus equity is all about giving people what is fair. If there’s a spot opening up in a department that might be best filled by someone already working there, giving everyone an equal shot at it is what would be fair. “Doing right by employees to get the most out of them is a good shot at a successful business and a healthy work environment. My employees come first in my business because they chose to come and work for me, and I want to show them that that is appreciated,” said Frere.

About Frere Enterprises

Run by CEO Brandon Frere, Frere Enterprises is a California-based company with a global vision based around the usage of special financial technology, or SpecFinTech, with a current focus on financial wellness and productivity.

He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers, alike. Frere’s website,, is used as a means to communicate many of the lessons, fundamentals and information that he has learned throughout his extensive business and technological endeavors. Through Frere Enterprises, he aims to apply those lessons to other business opportunities.

Frere Enterprises’ mission is to acquire traditional businesses and digitally transform them to meet and exceed modern day demand. This mission seeks to transform such businesses by developing the newest and most evolved technologies to speed up the evolution of financial services in order to meet the demands of the modern consumer and exceed the potential of the modern era.

Source: Brandon Frere

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