Brandon Frere: Interdepartmental Communication a Must for a Functional Business

Interdepartmental Meeting Over Computer

Communication between departments is fundamental to a functional business. If even one of the departments isn’t fully aware of what is going on with the other departments, it can cause a disruption that was likely completely avoidable. Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises and entrepreneur, knows the importance of communication and some well-tested ways to stay on top of things. A good trick to avoiding unnecessary setbacks is to schedule efficient meetings.

Quick weekly managerial meetings can keep each department aware of current projects and can stimulate cross-team collaboration. Those department managers can pass along pertinent information to their team at their discretion. They should find a good balance when sharing such information with the team — not enough information can isolate teams but too much information can distract from individual projects and goals.

Communication within the business is what keeps the different departments moving forward but still moving together.

Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises

In-person meetings or video conferences are the best options with larger amounts of people, even if it might be harder to coordinate. “A lot of benefits can be lost without a live meeting. A person-to-person meeting gives everyone in attendance a chance to add something and hear everything as it is happening,” says Frere. But if for some reason in-person meetings aren’t possible, emails that can keep everyone up-to-date are better than silence. Don’t forget that even as a CEO, it’s important to also be in on meetings with the heads of other departments.

When the managers know what is going on between the departments, it helps them set the path for the rest of their department. Clear communication helps eliminate pitfalls of employees being unsure of what is going on around them so that they can proceed forward without constant guidance from higher-up management. Events that are less than favorable are going to happen regardless of how much planning is done in advance. With proper communication, though, it can be more easily dealt with, rather than becoming a huge detriment to the company.

“Communication within the business is what keeps the different departments moving forward but still moving together. Cohesion is necessary for a thriving business, and is achievable with clear words and a clearer plan,” says Frere.

About Frere Enterprises

Brandon Frere is an entrepreneur and businessman who lives in Sonoma County, California. He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers alike. His company website,, is used as a means to communicate many of the lessons, fundamentals, and information he has learned throughout his extensive business and personal endeavors, most recently in advocating on behalf of student loan borrowers nationwide.

As experienced during his own student loan repayment, Mr. Frere found out how difficult it can be to work with federally contracted student loan servicers and the repayment programs designed to help borrowers. Through those efforts, he gained an insider’s look into the repayment process and the motivations behind the inflating student loan debt bubble. His knowledge of the confusing landscape of student loan repayment became a vital theme in his future endeavors, and he now uses those experiences to help guide others through the daunting process of applying for available federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs.

Source: Frere Enterprises

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