Brand KC Promotes Negotiation Skills, Business Relationships

The president of Brand KC outlined the company's emphasis on strong negotiation skills. In addition, he talked about the importance of building lasting relationships with customers.

“At the end of the day, our business is about people,” said Benjamin Aldous, president of Brand KC. “That means that we must negotiate. At Brand KC, our focus is to find common solutions which will enable companies to promote their brands.”

The executives at Brand KC understand that true negotiation is a win-win for all. “One common misconception is that negotiation is about one side winning and the other side losing,” said Benjamin. “That is a huge fallacy. Our team knows that setting the correct mindset is a matter of properly framing the discussion. When everyone starts the dialog knowing that they have the opportunity to win, the odds of each side having its needs met are high.”

"Our team culture enables us to work creatively,"

Benjamin, President

Another aspect of negotiation is problem solving. “Our team culture enables us to work creatively,” stated Benjamin. “We have the skills to arrive at compromises that maximize the benefits for everyone involved. In some cases, we have hosted brainstorming sessions with brand representatives and their customers. The feedback we have obtained has been inspiring, and we’ve come to some impressive agreements.”

Benjamin also understands that discussions during the negotiation process add value to the final product. “As we engage with other teams, it’s amazing what we learn from each other,” he said. “It’s not unusual for us to identify new strategies or to find new projects to pursue. It’s pretty exciting!”

Brand KC Emphasizes Relationships with Customers

“When we engage with a new company that we’re going to represent, first impressions are critical,” said Benjamin. “It’s the first step in developing a relationship with that new team. Once we have established that connection, it’s much easier to negotiate and complete a successful sales campaign.”

The management team at Brand KC has implemented a training program which promotes customer relationships. “We are people-focused,” said the president. “Therefore, we want our team members to have the skills they need to engage others.” Associates attend training, with topics ranging from relationship management to leadership. “Everything we do touches the customer, so our training reflects that,” he added.

“Business at Brand KC has never been better,” said Benjamin. “Our satisfaction ratings are high, which is evident in the amount of repeat business we earn. In addition, our reputation has produced a number of new engagements. Using a win-win approach as part of our negotiations and in our relationships makes us an ideal partner for success.”

About BrandKC

BrandKC is a promotional advertising firm that consistently nets strong profits for its increasing list of well-known clients. The company utilizes a relational approach instead of classic techniques in advertising such as billboard ads and direct mailers. BrandKC is so adept at this form of promotional marketing due to the success of its training program. With a group of driven and ambitious managers at the helm, BrandKC is poised for even more success in the near future.