BR Consultancy Reports: 1/3 of Employers Worry About Staff Retirement Choices After Pension Freedom
London, UK, January 11, 2016 ( - Burnham Resources, a recruitment consultancy based in Egham, Surrey, has recently released a news blog article about the finding, part of a research from Mercer and the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), that a third of businesses (36%) are concerned that their employees will make the wrong decision regarding how to use their retirement fund when they reach 55.
More than 160 businesses were surveyed in the CBI/Mercer 2015 Pensions survey which was undertaken partly to assess the impact of the pension freedoms; a legislation which gives people more choice and responsibility on how to use their retirement funds. The report revealed that as a result of their concerns 66% of companies are looking to introduce additional support to help with this decision including providing more guidance to members.
More info about the news blog article is at
In light of these recent developments, Burnham Resources advises business owners that recruiting good candidates from a reputable payroll recruitment consultancy will help them to get the best from their workplace pension schemes and help them to choose the best payroll staff for their company.
About Burnham Resources:
Burnham Resources is an outplacement consultancy specialising in payroll jobs, payroll staffing and payroll vacancies. The agency prides itself as among the leading starting points for a job search in any payroll job in the UK. More Burnham resources info can be found here at