The IPv6 Forum Launches BOUNDv6: WORLD IPv6 INTERNET Accelerating adoption of the NEW INTERNET

NEW HAMPSHIRE- USA - TOKYO - BEIJING - LUXEMBOURG, The IPv6 Forum launches the son of Moonv6 which was initiated by Jim Bound († 2009) back in 2004 as the largest permanently deployed multi-vendor IPv6 network in the world led by the North American IPv6 Task Force and the University of New Hampshire - InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), Internet2, vendors, service providers and regional IPv6 Forum Task Force network pilots worldwide.

In the memory of Jim Bound, this project will be called BOUNDv6. Jim in his interview with NetworkWorld back in 2004 had the vision and the audacity to make big things happen:

The goal of the Boundv6 network is to create a permanent multi-vendor network environment connecting initially IPv6 Ready Logo approved labs and USG approved labs where the community can test IPv6 enabled applications and devices in meaningful test scenarios which will form the base of the NEW INTERNET.

Boundv6 is targeted at Government and critical networks, Enterprise, ISPs and Apps Developers. The biggest challenge will be that all implementations will be encouraged to have security built-in on all tested cases.

Boundv6 is supported by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the US Government Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN).

"The Boundv6 effort will form an important adjunct to the USGv6 product testing program in helping Government agencies achieve their 2012 and 2014 IPv6 deployment mandates. NIST hopes to facilitate broader USG participation and use of the BoundV6 network to perform vital integration testing of the IPv6 enabled services necessary to achieve these goals." states Doug Montgomery, Manager Internet and Scalable Systems Research and USGv6 Project Lead, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

"IPv6 is ready for prime time, but some business models and applications are not ready for IPv6. Boundv6 presents a great opportunity for validation and testing for the next phase of implementations." states Ron Broersma, Chief Engineer, Defence Research and Engineering Network (DREN)
"IPv6 should be deployed "native" to sustain the current Internet business models worldwide. Boundv6 will lay a permanent ground for parity check of the current business models." states Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, Senior Researcher at University of Luxembourg, Security and Trust (SnT) Center. Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society (ISOC)

"Moonv6 was about vendor interoperability. Boundv6 is about validating applications ensuring service parity." Says Yanick Pouffary General Chairperson for the IPv6 Logo Programs (Ready & Enabled & Education), IPv6 Forum Fellow and NAv6TF Technology Director.

"Creating opportunities and discovering new ways to test IPv6 is important to the progression and transition process. The Boundv6 Network will enable the IPv6 industry to collaborate with labs and other participating vendors in order to ensure high quality of services and connectivity. " states Erica Johnson, Lead of the Boundv6 Project, Director, UNH-IOL, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, IPv6 Forum Fellow, USA

"BII participated in Moonv6 and won tremendous experience from it. Boundv6 will scale our experience to the next level" states Liu Dong, Chair China IPv6 Council and Chair IPv6 enabled Program

"CHTTL IPv6 Testing Lab is happy to see Boundv6 Test Network take the IPv6 world to the next level. We will move on with Boundv6 Test Network to stay connected with the world IPv6 communities." states Chih-Cheng Tsao @ CHT-TL, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, Taiwan

"One of first steps in deploying IPv6 is procurement process and accurate specification of our IPv6 requirements when buying ICT equipment. Uniform test procedures, tools and interconnected IPv6 labs, that BOUNDv6 project is aiming to bring us around the world are big step forward in order to make universal deployment of IPv6 faster and easier." states Jan Zorz, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, co-Founder go6, RIPE-501 co-author, Slovenia

"As one of the current IPv6 Ready testing centers, and a participant in World IPv6 Day, InfoWeapons applauds this initiative as a fitting tribute to one of the pioneers in IPv6, Jim Bound. World IPv6 Day established that major content providers and distribution channels could offer their services over IPv6 with no serious issues, dispelling some nagging myths that there would be problems for some users if they did. We need to build on that momentum to light up more and more of the Second Internet (based on IPv6) helping it fulfil its vast potential. BOUNDv6 will provide a permanent, on-going worldwide test bed to allow vendors to test and demonstrate their IPv6 products and services for more than a single day. We are willing to contribute free licenses of some of our key products, including SolidWall (tm) and SolidDNS (tm) to the organizations that will run the BOUNDv6 network, adding IPv6-Ready certified firewall, IPsec based VPN, as well as dual stack DNS and DNSSEC to help create a safe, stable foundation for this important new facility. We are working with the IPv6 Forum to make sure this network meets the highest standards of IPv6 compliance, with full security. We take the challenge and leadership to make IPv6 secure." states Lawrence Hughes, IPv6 Ready Logo Regional Officer, Philippines

To join Boundv6, please visit
About the IPv6 Forum: The IPv6 Forum is a world-wide consortium of leading vendors, Internet service vendors, National research & Education Networks (NRENs) and international ISPs, with a clear mission to promote IPv6 by improving market and user awareness, creating a quality and secure Next Generation Internet and allowing world-wide equitable access to knowledge and technology. The key focus of the IPv6 Forum today is to provide technical guidance for the deployment of interoperability thru its IPv6 Ready & Enabled Logo Programs &
For further information, please visit:

Latif Ladid,
President, IPv6 FORUM
Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society
Tel: + 352 - 30 71 35

Erica Johnson, Director
BOUNDv6 Project Lead
UNH InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL)
o: 1.603.862.0117
m: 1.603.421.4802