Boomer Women Carving Out Own Travel Niche for 'Alternative' Spring Breaks

As affluent demographic sees signs of economic turnaround, 70% say they'll travel more in 2011 - seeking out educational and cultural experiences away from college students

Seventy percent more Boomer women will travel in 2011 than in 2010 - a sign that the affluent demographic is ready to reinvest in leisure as the demographic moves toward retirement, according to a study released today by

Women 50+ seek out travel in the waning winter months - but they avoid popular college spring break locales like Cancun and Fort Lauderdale in lieu of opportunities to experience educational and cultural travel. The study also found that 58% of women boomer expect to spend up to $2500 on spring break vacations; another 36% will spend $2500 to $5000.

The trend presents an opportunity for travel agents and marketers to sell a completely different type of vacation to the ready-to-spend boomer woman, Stephen Reily (, CEO of, said.
"Not only have we seen this audience become more action-oriented and ready to spend over the years - this study also found that 70% of women are making the travel decisions of their household without consulting anyone else," Reily said. "The Boomer woman wants to take her own spring break but doesn't want to sit on a beach. That alone should be an open call to travel marketers to begin piecing together educational and active travel opportunities for this demographic."

The recent growth in importance of learning and volunteering vacations is not entirely surprising, according to Doris Gallan (, author and President of Baby Boomers Traveling. "We'd begun seeing some interest by Boomers before the recession. Even during the past five years, a good number of them were still going abroad to volunteer and study. And now, there's enormous pent-up demand for experiences that involve travelers intellectually, physically and emotionally."

Reily is the co-author of Vibrant Nation: What Boomer Women 50 Plus Know, Think, Do and Buy (, the definitive guide for marketers trying to reach this important demographic. For more information about this recent survey, please email Frances (at)

Gallan is the author of The Boomers' Guide to Going Abroad to Travel | Live | Give | Learn ), the authoritative compendium of what to expect, tips and stories distilled from her five years of constant travels around the world. Now available through BookLocker, (, and Barnes &

About is the leading online community devoted exclusively to Baby Boomer women. is the place where they can connect with other women at their lifestage and discuss the issues they are passionate about.

About Baby Boomers Traveling
Baby Boomers Traveling works with the travel and tourism industry to bring improved products and services to boomers. BBT's travel coaches assist individuals interested in learning to travel in ways that will permit them to go sooner, further and more often.

Ceci Conway

Doris Gallan