Bluellow: Valuable Support for Green Businesses

More and more sustainable businesses are being created each week, bringing with them the hope of a better future. Bluellow was founded in 2013 to accompany these enterprises throughout their development and ensure they flourish.

More and more sustainable businesses are being created each week, bringing with them the hope of a better future. Bluellow was founded in 2013 to accompany these enterprises throughout their development and ensure they flourish.

The green sector and sustainable growth are strongly supported by the government and administrative bodies since they are considered a solution to the crisis and a means of creating future employment. The variety of green businesses is as great as the hope their success inspires. From renewable energies to ethical clothes manufacturing, the sheer range of activities poses a real problem for the administrative bodies offering help for such enterprises. Bluellow was launched earlier this year to complement the offers currently available by providing practical hands-on support in terms of marketing and sales for sustainable businesses, particularly for SMEs.

"Starting a business requires a variety of skills and entrepreneurs tend to initially focus on creating their product or service and, of course, the administrative aspects of their business." explains Donna Enticott, founder and CEO of Bluellow. "It's only later that they realise, in most cases, sales don't just happen by themselves and you need to dedicate a lot of energy to finding and keeping customers."

Donna Enticott brings this energy. Passionate about the future green economy and sustainable and social solutions, the British founder of Bluellow shares her "Yes!" attitude with her clients.

With over 10 years experience in sales and marketing in France and in English speaking markets, Donna accompanies each customer with a personalised approach, based on the premise of sustainable development and respect for the individual.

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