Blessed Herbs Cafe and Mount Zion Rastafarian Church Announce Launch of First Holiday Season Food and Cash Drive

TORONTO, December 10, 2017 ( - Blessed Herbs Cafe and Mount Zion Rastafarian Church founder and practicing Rasta George Metropoulos today announced the launch of the organization's first holiday season food and cash drive.
Directly benefiting the neighborhood's less fortunate and homeless people, and local churches that actively support needy individuals and families, Blessed Herbs donated $1,000 in cash and 25 sleeping bags to kick off their charitable campaign, and has also pledged to match donations from any local business or individual donors up to another $1,000 until Dec. 31, 2017.
Most of all we are good, honest and open-minded people doing the right thing according to our faith in Jah.
George Metropoulos, Founder
After an intimate, sacramental launch ceremony held in the chapel to pray for the success of Blessed Herbs 2017 charitable drive, Mr. Metropoulos said that 100 percent of the food and money raised would be flowing directly through to those less fortunate.
"We're not just another profiteering pop-up marijuana dispensary, or a hypocritical public company that's well-funded by the wealthy elites and promoted by ex-RCMP officers to cash in on the proven benefits, and inevitable legalization of our sacred ganja," said Mr. Metropoulos, who is a practicing Rastafarian. "We are a community-based local church with a registered charity, also a cafe with local and fair trade treats, also a source of the best herb and highest quality medicinals. But most of all we are good, honest and open-minded people doing the right thing according to our faith in Jah."
Visit Sacred Herbs at 534 Annette Street, in Toronto, anytime from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., 7 days a week. To reach our store, please call us at 416-551-8926.
For media or spiritual enlightenment, please call George Metropoulous:
Founder and Chief Rastafarian
Direct Line: 226-260-9536
Blessed Herbs offers comfort and support with spiritual, nutritional and medicinal marijuana -- as well as a place of inner peace in the Rastafarian tradition -- and is passionate about the use of herb by all, for the benefit of all. Producing the highest quality herbs for decades, we are proud or our past and strive for respect and recognition in the hearts and minds of all good people.
Source: Blessed Herbs Cafe